Together - Chapter One

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Together - Chapter One

2:23, Phil was nearly half an hour late! Dan began to doubt if he was really coming or not. He had no idea which train came from where and at least 3 had already stopped.

Maybe he just wasn't coming. and didn't tell Dan...but why wouldn't he tell him? No no...he must be coming, he said he would. But what if he was lying? This nice guy gcharacter he was on YouTube...what if it was all just an act. He just wanted the views probably and did not care for his fans like he set himself up to.

Dan knew this was all too good to be true, his idol wanting to meet him...he would probably be a huge let down. He started to turn round while he thoughts of Phil swirled though his head, each one a dagger in his brain.

'Dan?' a voice came from behind as he took a few steps, a familiar voice, a very familiar voice.

'Phil!' Dan said enthusiastically, too enthusiastically he thought.

He swivelled round, automatically creating eye contact with one another. Dan paused and noticed the contrast between Phil's pale skin and deep blue eyes created a shine to him which pierced though Dan's entire body.

Dan thought the same as any other person who laid eyes on Phil, God...he's beautiful. He could see that Phil was not the typical type you would call such a strong word, everyone saw that. But what came out of his eyes, it was like Phil's personality, Dan knew and loved, managed to be present in his eyes and smile, making him full if beauty.

'Sorry I'm late' Phil said, trying to fill the silence Dan created 'Train delays!' Phil noticed the blank look on Dan's face...he didn't want to call it starstrucked, he never saw himself as a celebrity, but he saw fans look at him in that say and could not think of another word to describe it. Despite the fact Dan kept looking away awkwardly, as if he did not want to have this connection with him.

'That's okay, I started to think you weren't coming' Dan replied sharply, giving a slight grin. Phil noticed the perfection in Dan's smile, which filled his body with a slight, but conforting warmnth.

Phil could not believe someone like Dan existed, he liked all the dorky stuff he was into and didn't care who knew. He could see them both side by side, sitting on beanbags playing Pokemon for hours, not getting bored of one another, no matter how long they were in each others comapny. He had never met anyone in his whole life like this. Somone he knew he could share his whole life with, in just a few hours of them meeting.

'Here you are, Phil' Dan said, interrupting Phil's trail of thought, 'one milky coffee for you and one hot chocolate for me!'

'Oh, thank you! How much do I owe you?'

'Don't be so stupid, it's on me' he was desperately trying to impress Phil. Now they had spent the day together, he could not see another hour pass without being by his side.

'You should make videos' Phil thought out loud, while shaking a sashay of sugar, before ripping the bag with his teeth.

'I've been thinking about it for a long time actually' replied Dan, 'I just don't really have the confidence...'

'What? You're beaming with confidence, Dan!'

Oh God...he said his name again! Dan. He sounded so different when Phil said it, each time he did was like an electric shock through his, stop fangirling he though.

'Well...I just wouldn't know what to say' Dan continued.

'Everyone thinks that but it's easy once you get started! You'll do so well too, you're funny and not bad looking' Phil gave Dan a little wink and a small, natural grin.

Dan thought his heart literally skipped a beat when Phil said that, forcing his hand on his own chest causing his breathing to be a slight heavier. How could he reply to that? How could he reply to the words that usually make him cringe with the thought of anyone thinking he was attractive, but when Phil said filled his heart with hopeless delight. He never had this feeling before and had no idea how to respond. Finally a few words crept out, the words he always responded to such a remark.

'Wh- what? You really th-ink this monstrosity of a human being not bad looking?' he stuttered.

'Well...anyone with a fringe on YouTube is considered hot'

'But you have a fringe?' Dan inquired.

'Exactly' he replied, each giving a slight giggle and they sipped at their still piping hot drinks.

Phil as well as Dan found it hard to say goodbye to on another, before Phil got on the train. Now they had spent they day together it was hard to imagine them being without each others company ever again, like a heavy mist filled their lungs with even the thought if being apart. Neither of them liked this feeling, it was one they had never felt before, but certainly one they would not want to feel again. However they would have to feel it again, on many occasions as they lived so far away. This feeling would come each time their days together ended and each had to leave, back to their lives before they knew about one another and try to forget to make this hurt to away. An almost impossible task.

'Goo-' Phil went to say his goodbyes, but the thought of leaving Dan made him stutter, 'see you later Dan' a more suitable choice of words, he thought. Because the end of this day was not a 'goodbye' moment, he defiantly wanted to see Dan again..soon. He began to step on the train, when Dan began to speak.

'Maybe next week-end I could come to Rossendale? Save you the trip again' Dan said while thoughts of Phil painfully rejected him crippled his brain.

'Yeah course! I'll Skype you' without hesitating he threw his arms around Dan, almost without thinking. The heavy mist in the lugs managed to leek out while within each others arms. For Dan it was because Phil hugged him, which he had been imagining for so long. For Phil it was the fact that Dan had hugged him back.

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