Together - Chapter Two

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Together - Chapter Two 

Only a couple of days had passed since Dan had the painful task of watching Phil get on the train back to Rossendale, yet he missed him. An ache filled each limb of his body with each limp beat his sore heart carried out. The thought of never seeing Phil again crippled his body, making him weaker each day. He hardly wanted to leave his bed each mourning, as he knew his day would be without Phil.

The only thing that would take away this pain was watching Phil's video, which he knew was a little bit sad. He did try to do some revision on his laptop, but he kept clicking back to the Internet to refresh his twitter to see if Phil had said anything about him...but no. Nothing. They had not even Skyped each other yet, Phil did say he would. Dan hated being the person who always started the conversation, however it seemed as though Phil felt the same. Dan just sat there...waiting for a call from Phil, for hours.

He had to stop after a few too many hours as the heat from his laptop began to pass through his jeans and skald his legs. He sat up and let out a large breath, closing his eyes. Imagies of Phil filled his mind. The way his silky black hair rested over his eyes, his perfect eyes. Pale blue capsules that lit up a room. Even the way his jacket felt on his ebony skin with he hugged stop think about Phil, he kept thinking to himself every time he popped into his head. 

When he sat up he noticed at small black object out of the coner of his eye, he turned round to get a better look. His webcam, laying on his table. He kept thinking about what Phil said to him, about how he should make YouTube videos.

'Hi' oh God, he thought, this was awkward already. How can Phil do this no naturally, yeah his first video was a little awkward...but nothing like this. 

'My name is Dan' he did a hand sweep, in the hope he could edit in something...yeah that will be quirky and interesting. But why else could he do? Why was this so difficult? He needed to be funny and interesting...that was not like him at all. He was shy, nerdy and thought himself to be a bit of a loner. How could he, of all people, keep an audience entertained for at least 2 whole minuets?  

She saw the rainbow slinky his nan had bought him as a stocking filler for Christmas that previous year. For some reason he had a thought to shove the thing in his mouth. Before he could notice he was jumping up an down. Whilst an interesting humming noise came from his mouth...oh God, what was he doing?

He really should have thought this through, instead of doing anything that randomly came into his head. His mouth started to speak, without him really noticing...but for some reason it felt natural.

'Some really...good friends I've made recently persuaded me to do so' he paused. Should he mention Phil? It would be weird if he did not...or if he did. Would he appericate his mention, or think he is just after the views? 

Why was windows movie maker so hard to work with? He had been editing for 2 hours now and still it was awful. He was right, he did sound like a pedophile/tramp/polar bear. What was even the point? He was never going to be anywhere as successful as Phil, he was just too boring and useless. 

Eventually he convinced himself to upload the video...that is when he started to panic. Thoughts of people disliking or harsh comments gave him goose bumps on every hair on his body. Fear struck into his heart as it began to beat faster with his nervous.

Should he link it on twitter or facebook? Everyone he knew could see it then, he did not want that. But then who would watch it? Who would watch some weedy British nerd talking rub bush in emo make - up for entertainment? They would watch him to make fun of him...would they? Not many people use they? 

Finally he linked the video, but only on twitter, after almost 30 minuets of hovering over the delete button, to dis guard his first work. He did not really care anymore if anyone he knew watched it. All that was on his mind was if Phil liked or even watched it. Why was it getting so difficult to dis guard Phil from his brain, even though each time he thought of him it was like a small part of Dan was being stabbed.

Sorry This was so short another Dan chapter, I will write a Phil one for next week! Hope you enjoyed and please leave a comment with any criticism you may have! 

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