Together - Chapter Six

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Together - Chapter Six 

Phil had finally fallen asleep, after hours of endless turning and tossing under his quilt with thoughts of Dan's soft lips pressed agiesnt his. A warm feeling spread through his body each time he remembered the moment their hands touched by accident and Dan delicately stroked his fingers. When Dan looked at him straight in the eye without turning away awkwardly for the first time. He remembered when he leaned in, he knew it would complicate things, but he could not bring himself to pull away. Phil seemed to enjoy the memory more than the actual experience. 

He never wanted these memories to stop, the only ones where he felt this way were with Dan. No one, boy or girl, injected excitement with a slight hint of feat into his heart like Dan did. A strange but inviting feeling. He now knew what he wanted. He wanted Dan. 

He turned to look at his clock. Only 10:30...there was no way he was getting back to sleep, not with the thought of telling Dan what he just discovered.  

He pulled a jumper out of an unpacked box and over his topless body questioning weather to straighten his hair, this was a big moment and he wanted to look his best, but he could not wait a second longer to tell Dan. To kiss him without the shock, to have the same feeling Dan felt, to be together.  

If Dan was up he'd be in kitchen, Phil thought. He left his room, with a huge grin on his face with the thought of being in Dan's arms once again.  

'Dan?' he called into the still empty room, covered in boxes and scruffy cupboards. No answer or any sign on him being there.  

He must be in his room, Phil though. He grabbed an orange from a box in front of him that caught his eye. He knew Dan's favourite fruit were oranges and knew it would be a nice thing to enter with. He thought it would show that he cared that he remembered Dans favourite fruit. 

He checked Dan's room, thinking he'd still be asleep. He did not like to wake him...but could not wait any longer to be with him. Even the thought made his heart skip in heavy beats of comfort. 

'Dan' he whispered while opening the door with a soft hand, trying to wake him up gently. 'Dan, are you awake?' he inquired before fully opening the door. However, nothing lay on the bed except a few pillows and half his quilt hanging of the side. 

All the boxes of Dan's things, that they had placed in his room to unpack today, had been opened...with force. The boxes were torn at the lids, with tape hanging off the edges. Almost as if he was angry. Was Dan angry at Phil for what happened?  

Phil rushed over to one of the boxes labeled 'CLOTHES'.  


He clawed at another box. 


In his wardrobe, he may have unpacked last night. 


'DAN?' Phil screamed as much as his lungs could bare, running from room to room, frantically searching for him. But he was no where in their new apartment...causing Phil to throw the orange, which still lay in his hand, on the floor in frustration at himself. The orange juices exploded out of the fruits skin, covering a large patch of the new carpet they had put in the day before in a bright liquid. 

He collapsed on the kitchen table and noticed a piece of paper from the corner of his dust blue eyes. He grabbed the paper slowly, crushing it in his hand and began to read... 

'Dear Phil, 

I'm so sorry about last night, I just felt like the time was right, there and then. You really don't know how embarrassed I am, but I think the most embarrassing thing was you not saying you liked me back. The fact that you felt like you had to sleep on weather you wanted us to be a couple shows that I'm way further into this relationship that you are...which is why I'm leaving, I don't know where to but I'll find somewhere. And the only reason why I'm not saying this to your face is because it would just be too hard to say goodbye and writing it down is much goodbye, Phillip Lester. 

You'll probably never see me again, sorry,

From Dan' 

The letter was now stained with tears that were running down Phil's face as well as Dan's now dried ones. He grasped it tight to his chest while he slid down the fridge. All of a sudden he had lost the will to even stand up. In the minuet it took to run around the apartment and read the note his whole life fell apart.  

Phil broke down. His head became heavy and sat in his hands, as salty droplets seeped through the gaps in his fingers and travelled down his lanky arms. 

The one person in his life he actually cared for...gone. Phil felt that it was all his own fault. He knew how he felt about Dan, he always knew in the back of his mind. He just would not believe it himself. That he love with his best friend. But none of that mattered, Dan had gone.  

No, no. He cannot just go like that. He was the essence of Phil's life and he needed that back. This thought restored in Phil shoving 2 shoes he found on his feet without even bothering to match them, or putting them on the right foot.  

He ran back to his room, trying desperately to avoid misplaced furniture and battered boxes. Ripped open a box, causing clothes to spill out all over the floor and cardboard to be flung across the room. Phil hacked out the first jacket he could grab with his now clawed shaped hands, before leaving the apartment with his pyjamas trousers still on.  

Leaving the orange remainds on the floor.

Short, but intense chapter! Criticism and what you think should happen next is welcome in the comments! It really helps to see if you guys are liking what I'm writing! LOVE YOU ALL SEE YOU NEXT WEEK! <3

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