Together - Chapter Four

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Together - Chapter Four 

Two(ish) year later 

'What?' said Phil for the second time after Dan's explaining. He still could not quite believe what he was saying. 

'I've taken a year out of uni...' Dan was unsure why Phil was so shocked. Maybe he thought he was doing alright at school, Dan did always try to hide how he really felt. He hated others knowing the constant pain he was in. The stress of being at University, the thought of where his future was going, the demand for him to make videos and the most painful...the fact that his best friend lived so far away.  

Phil always knew Dan to be intelligent, so he could not quite get his head round why Dan would ever want to take a year out. Obviously it would benefit their friendship as they could see each other more, but that obviously was not the reason. Phil had to know.

'Why? Are you travelling or something?' Phil started to speak his thoughts, he had to know if Dan was going to leave him...for a year. He could hardly bare a day away from him, let alone a year.  

'No, no course not!' Dan could not believe Phil would think of such a thing. He would never just leave Phil and was almost hurt that he thought he could. 

'Then why are you taking a year out?' Phil wondered. 

'I'm just not sure that uni is the best thing for me right now...but I can always go back in a year if I want' replied Dan, grabbing the mug from the table in front of him before taking a large gulp of the still hot coffee within.  

', will you go back to living with your parents?' Phil queried while doing the same to his mug, but full of tea. 

'No...well, I don't know. I can't just go back to living with my parents, not after being in the uni flat, I need to be on my own...but not on my own, you know?' 

'Yeah, I get you' said Phil in agreement. He knew what it was like to be alone, but not alone. He had felt it everyday since he had to say goodbye to Dan for the first time.  

Suddenly an idea came to Phil's head, a spontaneous one. One he could not keep locked in his brain, he had to blurt it out as soon as it came to him. 

'Move in with me' said Phil. 


'Not in my house, like with my parents, but we could buy a flat together. I've been thinking of moving out too, for ages!' He continued while a slight smirk came to Dan's face. He did not even need a moment to think about his answer. He knew this day would come, even since they met, Dan had felt too strong a connection towards Phil for him to not feel the same.  

'Yes...omg' he responded wrapping his arms around Phil's slender body, before realising how awkward it must have looked as Phil did not do the same instantly...also the fact they were in Starbucks. He pulled away slowly, still holding onto Phil's hips. He looked up. Their eyes met - but only for a second, as once again Dan felt the edge to turn so Phil was out of his sight each time they shared moments like this, along with his hands.  

Phil still did not quite understand what his status was with Dan...friends? More than that? Who knows. He thought maybe for a second they were...but he still could not read what Dan thought. He thought they shared the same thoughts and connections, but little things Dan did and said removed this idea from his head. The fact that Dan looked away and changed the subject each time they sheared eye contact was enough to rip Phil's heart straight out his chest before Dan crushed it with the sole of his foot with every intake of air Phil breathed in. Causing streams of pain to spread through Phil's veins and fill ever limb of his body with discomfort. 

'So...I should text my mum about this' Dan finally said, aster about 12 seconds of awkward silence.  

'Yeah, so should I'

Dan slammed his door behind him before lying in his bed while gentle tears streamed down his face. The thoughts of what his mum just said were still warm in his memory. She did not understand. But he did not Care, he was moving out no matter what she thought.

He always knew that she disapproved how close he and Phil were and now they were living together made her ferrous. It was not like they were getting together, no matter how much he wanted. If they were going to, they would have done by now. Anyway, Phil was not gay, but Dan was. Dan could finally accept himself and gained enough confidence to come out within the week. However, his mothers sudden outburst made him question himself.

Wait...was Phil gay? He had never told Dan he was, but he had not told him he was not. Anyway, Dan had not come out yet either, so maybe that's the reason they were not together yet. They never really talked about girls, expect possibly saying a girl is 'quite fit' now and again. Dan then remembered to all those times Phil did try to engage Dan in a 'girl' talk and all those times he tried to change the subject. He did not want to lie and tell Phil he liked girls, but he did not want to tell the truth and say he liked boys either...he was afraid of what Phil might think. 

It would be weird to come out to Phil and not tell him how he felt. To tell him that he liked boys and the boy he liked was Phil. The fact that he fell in love with Phil straight from the first video he ever watched of his. Since he looked at Phil's pale blue eyes that complemented his fair skin so perfectly. Since he heard his voice flow into his head, instantly cleansing all the worries and stresses from his brain. Since he saw him from the first time, he fell in love. Now they were going to live together!

However Dan started to wonder...did he really want to live with Phil if he had to live with the pain of being in love with him without him knowing, or without him feeling the same?

OMG CLIFF HANGER! What will Dan and Phil do? 
Please vote and comment if you enjoyed, criticism always wanted in the comments, or say what you want to happen next! :) LOVE YOU ALL AND SEE YOU NEXT WEEK :D  

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