Together - Chapter Eight

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Together - Chapter Eight

Phil had sent Emma in the other direction, praying that if one of them did find Dan, it would not be her. He was too afraid of her telling him to do one or something, just so she could have him to herself.

Every time he tried to call Dan's mobile he was sent straight to voicemail, his phone was turned off. Although he knew Dan would never answer, he kept calling just to hear Dan's personalised answer machine.

'Hello, you have reached Dan's voicemail! Please leave a message after the beep...BEEEEEEEEP!'

Just hearing his voice was reassuring that he'd find him...eventually.

Emma kept calling him, he did not know why as he never answered, he did not want to speak to her. He wanted to speak to Dan. He remember all the convocations they had had, over Skype and in person.

Usually it was just personal jokes and, bluntly, nonsense to any person who would read and listen to them. But sometimes it was meaningful. Like discussing what Dan should do about his family issues, le how Phil could ward off Emma subtlety...those were the moments Phil cherished. Those were the moments that made them so close. Those were the moments that brought them together.

He soon realised how much he was smiling and how stupid he must've looked, although there was no one there to see. He found himself on one of those roads full of house but never seem to have anyone outside. He then thought that Dan would be in a really unobvious place, he was just that sort of person. He knew Dan would not want to be anywhere familiar or near his comforts, he would want to get any from his life and try to forget.

Suddenly, a rather disturbing thought appeared in Phil's head, a knife locked in his brain. What if Dan would not be as happy to see him as Phil would him. He obvious escaped from their new apartment cause he did not want to see him again. He even wrote in the letter they would never meet again.

Phil soon found himself sitting on a bench, what was the point of continuing searching if he knew he would not be welcome. Anyway, if Dan was serious about never seeing Phil again he would be long gone by now. At least on a bus to another town, travelling further and further away form him. Every intake of hair was another half mile away from each other.

Why did he not realise he felt the same as Dan last night? Rather than letting Dan feel like he had to leave with no Intention of returning.

Now would be a good time to break into song is this were a musical, Phil thought, trying to lighten his own mood. He felt 'Why God?' from Miss Saigon would be appropriate.

'I really am gay' Phil whispered to himself, as a tear fell across his face.

No one was there to hear, even if there was he would not care or be embarrassed...he just needed to get his feelings out.

'Why God?' He almost shouted out his words as he began to sing, 'WHY TODAY?' he continued beginning to stand up with thoughts of going back to his now empty apartment and giving up.

'I'm all through here...' Chocked a faint voice. Phil raised his head looking through his soundings, when he caught sight of a tanned figured far in the distance carrying a large rucksack on his weedy shoulders.

'On my way' Phil managed to squeeze out his now open mouth.

'Theres nothing left here' the figure now shouted, as their weak voice cracked, dropping the rucksack carelessly, 'that I will miss' the figure continued as they began to run towards Phil.

Hope you enjoyed this weeks second chapter, new one will be uploaded Sunday week as I am on holiday this Sunday. Please leave a comment with what you guys want to happen next and any criticism you may have! LOVE YOU ALL AND SEE YOU IN 2 WEEKS! :D

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