Together - Chapter Seven

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Together - Chapter Seven 

Although the cold, morning air gnawed at Phil's face the only pain he felt was in his chest, with thoughts of never seeing Dan again. He began searching the unfamiliar streets of Manchester in a desperate attempt to find Dan. Phil still could not believe that he let someone like Dan slip away from him. He was so close to finally being with him...but he left it to late. An action of his he knew he would never stop regretting.

After ten minuets he had to stop. He could hardly see anything now that his eyes stung with tears, his face almost dripping. He felt a slight buzz on his leg...he fondled around his pyjamas until he found his phone. The only strength he had to answer the phone was the thought that it might be Dan.

'Hello?' Phil choked, he could hardly get his words out. 

'Phil? Oh my god are you okay?' Replied a familiar voice. But it defiantly was not Dan, he tried to stop himself crying again, which made his voice wince.

'I'm sorry, wh-wh-oois this?'  

'It's Emma, I can see you through my window...just turn around'  

Phil searched the buildings behind him to be greeted by a waving Emma on the phone in the block of flats behind him. 

'Oh Emma thank god! It's so good to hear your voice...' to be honest, any ones voice would be conforting to Phil at this point. 

'Okay' she interrupted, 'just calm down, why are you even up this early and in your pyjamas? And where's Dan, isn't today your moving day?' She continued, trying to calm him down, although it was not working, nothing could calm Phil down after what just happened. After Dan walked out on him, without him even knowing. After he read that letter; which destroyed his whole life in seconds. 

'Dan...' he whispered, hearing his name made it impossible for him to continue holding in his tears.

'Right, wait there' she hung up before Phil even had the chance to answer. She was always there for Phil through his hard times, she knew when something was up with him. But in that moment, who would not think that something was up with a crying man in his pyjamas running through the streets. 

'Hey' she was face to face to him in seconds of her hanging up the phone. She swung her arms around his neck as he took hold of her dainty hips, while she gently stroked his back. Phil always thought that Emma gave the best hugs, he thought the soft beat of her pulse was comforting on his skin. He also appreciated her slim figure and the way his elbows rested perfectly into her waist. 

'Whats up, hun?' she whispered in his ear, still embracing him in her arms.  

'So much...' he chocked in a weak reply. 

'Well come in, I'll put the kettle -' 

'No, there's no time!' Phil interrupted, as he started to hurry forward. Emma let out a large breathe in frustration, she had been waiting months for a moment alone with Phil, but Dan was always there...running their moments. He never left Phil's side and Phil was the same with him. Now he was finally alone, she could try and by in there. 

'What? What's wrong' she asked, beginning to stroke his arm while trying to keep up with his fast pace motions. 

'I can't stop looking' 

'Looking for what?...I can help!' 

'No, cause then I'd have to tell you how stupid I am' Phil's voice started to break up as he put his head in his hands. He no longer found the strength to stand and suddenly noticed himself on the floor. Crying. Crying in Public. Crying in front of Emma...for the first time. 

Emma realised Phil's vulnerable state that she could use to her advantage. Finally get him where she wanted, he was in no state to think for himself right now. She could do it all for him, put thoughts in his head and make him hers. 

She crouched down to his level and peeled his hand away from his face and held them in hers. 

'I could never think you were stupid, Phil. And it breaks my heart seeing to you like this' she began to slide her hands up and down his legs to calm hm down, but mostly to have intimate contact with him, that she had craved for so long.

 'Um...err' he managed to spit out shifting his legs from her hands. He knew she had always liked him, she always put the moves on...but he so loved her company that he could not repel her, no matter how hard he tried. He soon realised that if he told her the story she would soon back off and take in the fact that he was...well gay. Phil finally found the strength to admit it, he was gay.

Se he told her, the whole story, even the parts she already knew. How Dan was a fan of Phil's video and would not stop replying to everything he put to try and get himself noticed. How he finally gave in and replied back. How when they met for the first time he could tell the tension was like nothing he had ever experienced. How they finally stupid he was to let him go.

It was weird that talking about what had happened instantly made Phil feel better, life a huge weight had been lifted. He suddenly sound the strength to hold back tears and regain some sanity.

'Oh...' Emma said, trying to find sympathetic words, 'just come here' she grabbed him again, squeezing much harder than usual. She knew she now had to let go, now Phil had broken her inside, just like Dan did him. But she could not just remove those feelings right away, she needed him.

'Thank-you so much for always being here for me' he replied, still grasping her.

'That's- That's okay, I'm always here, okay...okay' she continued burying her head in his neck as he began to rock them both. He soon realised how weird this must look, two adults hugging in their pyjamas in the streets. He pulled her away and noticed her smudged mascara and red, puffy eyes and nose. This must be hard for her too, he thought...without meaning to be vain.

'We'll find him, okay?' she continued, while trying to smile.

'I hope so'

I'M SORRY THIS IS LATE :O...but as I'm not here next week, I WILL upload a new chapter tomorrow...I PROMISE! Criticism welcome in the comments as well as what you'd like to happen next! LOVE YOU ALL, SEE YOU TOMORROW :D <3 

Together (PhanFiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora