Together - Chapter Seventeen

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Together - Chapter Seventeen

Shit. Emma needed to pull herself together, Phil could not know what her and Dan had been doing in his absence. She scanned the room for evidence. Nothing she could detect just from a quick glance. That would have to do.

'Right, everything will be okay! Just put the kettle on and calm down'...she was talking to herself again, making her feel even more insane.

'Oh God' she screamed, realising she still had her pyjamas on. Her hair was in desperate need of a comb, not to mention the sudden break out across her whole face. She would not even be accepted by a tramp in this state.

'It takes Phil about 10 minuets to walk here, that's loads of time...I hope' she was talking to herself again, nutter!

She slammed herself into her bathroom, rummaging for her concealer in her make-up bag. She blobbed the light white-brown substance all over her face, covering any imperfections. While the other hand was frantically bushing the knots from her straw-like hair. She quickly came to the conclusion that she had no time to straighten her hair, so tied it in a messy bun. Now for clothing, she had to pick the perfect ensemble of woven cloth, she always did everything she could to impress Phil. In the end, she decided to go for something casual, but not too much, in order to look as if she didn't think it through too much, but still looked presentable. Slamming her legs into a hair of floral, but scuffed, boyfriend jeans she grabbed for her purple and yellow Superdry t-shirt. Casual yet designer, perfect. Well no not perfect as she would never be what Phil wanted, Dan.

Knock. Phil was here already? Fuck. She ran to the door, slipping on her socks which she now realised she had not changed and were now two days old. She slammed into the door, feeling for the knob underneath her chest. When she finally opened it, she was struck by how attractive he was, it had been so long since she had seen him that she had almost forgotten what he looked like. His thick, black, glossy hair reflected in the sun giving it a shine, highlighting his pale blue eyes. She took a second to appreciate the chiselled nature of his face shape, perfectly carved, as if designed. For several seconds, she stood in silence, soaking in his beauty.

'Hey Emma' Phil said, breaking the awkward moment 'did Dan phone?'

'Err' it took her a while to process his words, as his appearance managed to put her under some sort of curse.

'Oh yeah he did, come in' she swallowed, hoping he could not smell her feet from his great height.

'Maybe I shouldn't, are you okay? You seem unwell?' he noticed her pale completion, however failed to realised it was him to put her in this state, not anti-bodies.

'Oh no, I'm fine, sorry it's just seeing you for the first time in what seems like're looking really good!' she flirted, which now seemed inappropriate considering his current relationship status. How silly she now felt, knowing how obvious that was, play it cool she kept telling herself.

He fell onto her sofa, resting his legs along it and in consequence taking up the rest of it. Emma felt a thrill knowing Phil could comfortably rest himself across her furniture, treating her apartment like it was his own. However, thinking this. she again realised she was gazing at Phil, mouth gaping open.

'So, are you going to offer me a drink? I mean I've been here for the best part of 2 minuets and you haven't even taken my coat, call yourself a host?' smiled Phil, stroking his fringe through his hair. The fact that Phil was almost flirting back gave her great relief, so much so she decided to keep the affair running.

She jumped on the sofa, lifting Phil's legs as she did so, placing them on her lap as she sat down. She turned and smiled at Phil, while he did the same back.

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