Together - Chapter Eighteen

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Together - Chapter Eighteen

A loud banging rang through Emma's apartment causing Phil to jump awake. His weary eyes looked down on his naked body, laying on a messy bed with floral sheets. He rubbed his head in shame realising what he had done last night. However he also felt smug and satisfied knowing he had gotten his revenge on Dan. He reached out to his left side, expecting to find a sleeping Emma, but to his surprise it all he felt were wrinkled sheets and a firm mattress from under his palm.

The knocking continued, but more vigorous and demanding this time.

'Emma!' shouted Phil, hoping she had not walked out on him, 'Emma! Whose at the door?'

He heard light, quick foot steps under the knocking, thank God Emma was home Phil thought. She ran into the bedroom, completely naked. Phil twitched looking away as a reflex, soon realising how ridiculous this action was as that naked body was on him only hours ago. She quickly wrapped a bathrobe around her, which she managed to find under the mountain of cloths, mainly made up of Phil's.

'I don't know who that is, I'll check' she reassured him, reaching in to kiss him. Phil turned quickly, so it was only his check she was able to kiss. She quickly ran out, avoiding thinking of the awkward moment that just happened. She could not believe there was still awkwardness in their encounters, even after they had sleep together.

The knocking was now constant, with a faint mist of yelling above it. It got faster with more urgency the closer Emma got to the door. She finally reached it, yanking it open with similar force revealing a teary eyes, ebony fringed man.

'Where is he, Emma?'

'Hey Dan, you got Phil's message then?' she replied, her smug feeling being presented on her face. The reminder of the traumatising message filled Dan with such anger that he relived it across Emma's face with his palm. She held her warm, red face in her hands, trying to discard the pain.

'How fucking dare you' Dan hissed, gritting his teeth and accidentally spraying her with spit, 'where the fuck is he?'

Emma just stood there in shock, she never knew Dan to have an anger like this. She rubbed her cheek, Dan had left a perfectly shaped, red hand print painted on her face.

'Dan?' Phil shouted, running into the corridor where they stood. He had not seen his face yet, but could recognise his yelling voice from miles away.

'Dan! Thank god you're here-'

'Don't come near me' he yelled, as Phil lengthened his arms to hug him, 'how could you?'

Phil froze. The guilt from last nights events bubbled in his stomach and pumped through the entirety of his body. He felt it in every cell, the regret.

'You cheat on me, then send me a video of it? Are you completely messed up?' Dan's voice had now reached it's highest pitch, he was unable to control his tone as a catch in his throat appeared while he attempted to hide his emotions. He waved his phone in Phil's face, clearly showing the graphic nature of the video. Phil grabbed the phone, holding it up to his eyes, adjusting them to the bright screen. He watched himself thrust his pale hips into Emma's moaning body. He quickly moved the screen from his face, shying his eyes away from the phone.

'My God, I did not send that to you, I didn't even film that' Phil winced, finally opening his eyes facing the area in which the clip was taking. He soon noticed the camera sill sitting on top of the tripod, they had accidentally filmed the entire filthy act. He glared at the phone again, realising the bad quality, slight wobble, and a thin silver rim in the top of the screen. Once he had connected the dots, he turned to Emma, her face had now turned red with guilt and she found it impossible to look Phil in the eye.

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