Together - Chapter Twenty

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Together - Chapter Twenty

'Phil, you don't have to do all this! I've already said I forgive you' repeated Dan, looking down on the pancakes drizzled with syrup, just grilled bacon and milky coffee, which Phil had given to a freshly awake Dan.

'I know I don't have to do it, I'm doing it cause I want to' responded Phil, leaping into Dan's bed and kissing him softly, running his hands through Dan's hair.

Dan wanted to be angry at Phil, but he couldn't. For the first time in his life he did not feel alone, which was all down to Phil. All blame was put onto Emma and her desperate need for control.

As Dan ate his slightly burnt breakfast, Phil watched his chiseled jar line tense and flex as he did so.

'So' began Dan, with a half face full of sticky pancakes, 'what do you want to do today?'

Phil suddenly broke his dazed state Dan always put him in to think of various activities they could do, but none really appealed to him.

'You know what I really want to do? Let's shut ourselves away from the outside world and turn off our phones, turn off our laptops and just chill'

'That sounds amazing'

They confirmed their plans with a kiss and some upper body fondling.

Phil had taken out the third of the Spiderman trilogy they had watched that day from the Xbox and shuffled his way to the kitchen to make more popcorn. The iPhone that had been turned off all day next to the microwave, caught the corner of Phil's eye. The temptation to check his twitter feed was far too tempting and while the corn popped, he just had to turn on his phone.

Before he opened the twitter app, he decided to send Dan a cute text for when he eventually tuned on his phone so he did not feel so guilty. 'You're always on fire (get it, cause you're so hot?) ;) <3 xxxxx' Perfect, he thought. A funny compliment, without being too creepy.

He could now finally check his twitter, after just 6 hours he was suffering withdrawal symptoms. Although, something was wrong. 604 mentions? That was an absurd amount, even if he had tweeted his usual hilarious banter.

'What the fuck?' he yelled as he scrolled through them.

'@AmazingPhil is so gross, can't believe he'd do that!'

'I didn't really want to see that'

'Unsubscribed, what a sicko'

He eventually found a link to take him to what all this was about. To his surprise, it took him to a video on his own channel...which he did not upload.

'Phil? What's wrong?' Dan asked, as he ran into the kitchen to find his boyfriend weeping on the floor.


Emma rose from her cocoon of tear stained tissues and empty Nutella jars on her sofa. Her cheeks drizzled with mascara, complimenting the constant drooping manner her face now held. Making her way back to the kitchen to make another cup of tea with an obscene about of sugar, she noticed Phil's camera still placed on her table.

She replayed the video. Re-watching the back of Phil's head run down her naked body made her fill with regret as she realised she did not fight for him as much as Dan did. So much so, that she had a sudden moment of weakness. Phil had logged into her laptop the night before in order to check is emails.

A cable was still plugged into the camera connecting it to the wall and, like an iPhone, could also to a computer. Which is exactly what she did.

The video soon appeared on her monitor, but an inflated and HD version. Emma watched the whole video from the start, from Phil's first 'Hey Guys', to Phil's last hip thrust. She had an amateur channel and therefore knew the basic editing skills required to cut out what was not needed to make her point and was careful to make the thumbnail just them kissing. With just few clicks she was uploading the 8 minuet video - 'The AmazingPhil Sex Tape' to AmazingPhil's channel. Where his over one million subscribers would see it.

UPDATE! I made a YouTube channel! It would mean a lot if some of you checked it out, it's mainly just me Vlogging about my awkward life. Here is the link:

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, new one up soon :)

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