Together - Chapter Five

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Together - Chapter Five 

'This is so exciting!' said Dan as he handed Phil the third box labelled 'Games/DVD's'. 

'I know, finally my own flat!' Phil replied with glee. 

'OUR flat, Phil...just cause you have the biggest room cause you have the most subscribers, it doesn't mean you run this place'. 

'Woah, I'm sorry' said Phil in a mocking voice, carrying the last of the boxes into their empty, but soon to be furnished, living room. At the moment it was just a white room filled with boxes sitting on to of one another. With several pieces of tatty furniture various relatives had given to them or they found cheap.

Today had been a day both boys had been longing to happen for so long. Although they both knew it would happen eventually, neither of them knew it would be so soon and spontaneous. With every box they moved into their new flat, with every step they took inside, with every second getting closer to living together lifted the high amounts of agony and distress, which each of them had felt every second of every day apart. 

'Time to unpack!' Dan pointed out. 

A loud breath leaked out Phil's mouth. 'I really can't be asked tonight, Dan' he pleaded stroking Dan's arm, 'I've been up since 8:30 and I'd rather just order a pizza' 

'Okay then' Dan replied, slamming the last box on top of a pile, 'at least the furniture is set up' 

Dan pulled his arm away from Phil's, as he wondered why Phil committed this action. Although he liked what Phil was doing, it almost felt unnatural. After two years of friendship it was too late to be anything more than that.

', what box would have the take-out menu?' Phil inquired, although he knew Dan would be clueless on the matter. 

'No idea' he replied, which made Phil snigger as of his previous thought. Dan took a moment to just gaze at Phil, while he looking in various boxes. He thought back to the first day they met and the pain he felt watching Phil return on the train. The pain that carried with him for 2 years, while they had to spend weeks apart. Looking at Phil now and knowing the would never have to be apart again, finally revealed that pain. 

'Found it!' Phil dragged his arm out of the seventh box he had visited, between his fingers lay a red and blue folder piece of shiny paper. 

'What are you having?' asked Phil. 

'Whatever you are, we'll split a large one' Dan gave a heavy wink in Phil's direction. Phil noticed this, was that meant to be an innuendo...should he laugh?  

'I could so go for garlic bread' Dan hinted, noticing the awkwardness he just created

'Yep, I'll order some'

As Dan tried to shove the pizza boxes containing half eaten crusts and a few nibbles bits of garlic bread, Phil sunk himself into the ragged sofa his aunt had given him.  

'Shall we see what's on the tele?' Phil enquires. 

'Yeah sure' replied Dan as he entered the soon to be living room, noticing the sofa, along with the mis-stuffed cousins and deep tears, had almost swallowed Phil. 

'Man...' Dan continued, 'we need to get some new furniture'  

'Yeah...and quick!' both boys shared a look and a snigger, as Dan sat along side Phil. He edged his way closer towards him, catching his warm body with the hairs on his arm. 

Both boys reached for the remote. Their hands touched. A spark. A rush. Just for a moment. Dan wrapped his little finger around Phil's. He looked up. Dan forced himself to look into Phil's eyes, he suddenly did not feel uncomfortable doing so...he finally had that connection with him that he hoped for so long.  

Phil noticed Dan's blissful staring. He wanted to do the same back, but could not bring himself to be serious in this way around Dan.  

Dan thought back to what he was thinking before they moved in together. The questions he asked himself about weather this was a good idea. Was it a good idea to love with someone he was so madly in love with, without them knowing? He could not contain this though much longer. He had to take his chance. He had to kiss Phil... 

Phil felt the need to look away, he felt this moment when on forever, but was not at all awkward. But he could not...he found himself edge in closer as Dan did.  

Their lips met. 

Although it was only for a second, for Dan it felt like an eternity, a moment he had been waiting for so long. He felt every nerve in his body tingle with hopeless delight. He knew every trouble escaped from him as now Phil was all he cared about, nothing else even slightly mattered. 

Phil did not get the chance to enjoy the experience, this once in a life time experience, the experience of kissing Dan for the first time. He was so in shock that Dan felt that strongly in that second, enough to make a move that he backed away almost instantly. Neither of them knew what to say, until Phil found the words.  

'Dan' he trembled,'why now? Why today? Couldn't you've done this before we moved in?' his voice was firm, almost as if he was angry. But both Phil and Dan knew he could never be angry with Dan. 

'I don't know, I just wanted to do it now before it gets too late and we were friend-zoned. I guess we're passed that. I'm sorry Phil...I should've done this sooner' Dan pleaded, swinging himself towards Phil, reaching to grab his hands, which resulted in Phil standing up, forcing his arms behind his back. 

'Yeah, you should've done this sooner' Phil was now defiantly angry at Dan. He never raised his voice seriously at Dan before. However, anyone could easily tell the sadness and hurt in his voice, hidden by his shouting. 

'You've now gone and complemented every now!' Phil continued. 

'Phil, I...I'm sorry...but...but d-do you want to be together?' Dan began to choke up, he could not believe the way Phil was reacting. He reached out again... 

'Don't touch me' tears started to stroke his cheeks 'Dan, I'm sorry let me sleep on this' he continued, slamming his bedroom door behind him.

I finally spiced things up a bit :O Please Vote if you enjoyed and comment with any ideas on what should happen next or any criticism! LOVE YOU ALL AND SEE YOU NEXT WEEK :)

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