Together - Chapter Ten

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Together - Chapter Ten

Since the day they got together, Dan and Phil became inseparable, even more so than the two years they had previously known each other. It was like their bodies could not function without one another.

Both boys did not feel the need to unpack Dan's stuff into his room, instead he place all his belongings into Phil's room. However Phil's room became their room and Dan's room became the spare room.

Phil woke up resting on Dan's bare chest. This heat rose of him and laid on Phil's ear, as the gentle best of Dan's heart along with the motion of him breathing comforted Phil. A limp smile presented on his face with the thought of how close he could be with Dan now.

Suddenly the perfect moment was broken by the tingling high pitched ring of the phone. Phil realised Dan had not woken up (or at least pretended to be asleep) therefore he was forced to break away from Dan's grip. He slowly sat up, trying to rest his hand on the bed and not on Dan, he hated the idea of accidentally hurting him.

'Hello?' Phil whispered, he could hardly speak as he was still half asleep, he also did not want to disturb Dan. He thought Dan looked so at peace when he slept and because of the stress he knew he was going through, Phil would hate to wake him.

'Phil? Hi! Have you just woken up? Of course you have it's only 11:45. Oh...did I wake you? Sorry, I just needed to talk to you, well not needed, wanted. Anywa-'

'Hi, Emma' he could tell straight away who it was, by the voice and how she almost never stopped talking on he phone.

'Hey' she was overwhelmed he could tell straight away who it was, even though he always knew it still always meant something to her.

'So, what do you need me for?' he asked, hoping it would be quick so he could get back to Dan.

'I just wanted to check up on you, it's been, like, two weeks since we've spoke...which is understandable since you and Dan got together! So I know you've been busy. Don't worry I haven't told a soul.'

'Yeah, I'm fine...Dan's fine. Erm...thanks for not telling anyone'

'That's fine, but oh my we have to meet up to catch up! Oh...and Dan too! This'll be perfect! Are you doing anything today?'

'We don't have any plans' Phil just could not say no to anyone, he refused to upset anyone, even if he really did not agree wit the other person. He was looking forward to spending another day with just him and Dan, but he knew he would have to have other human contact eventually.

'Good! Well you can't come to my flat cause Jenna has people round today and our landlord hates having more than 5 people in a lot at once and going out seems too public for such a special can I come round in like an hour?'

Oh God. What is she planning? Phil knew she was up tp something, she was always up to something, but he could not say no.

'Yeah, fine, see you then' he hung up the phone, before giving a large sigh. How was he going to tell Dan without it leading into a huge argument? Dan hated Emma and there was no sign of him changing his opinion soon.

'I don't want that skank in my flat' Dan moaned into his pillow in which he had his face buried in.

'She's not a skank Dan, she's a close friend now get dressed'

'Obviously I'm joking'

'I know you don't like Emma, but for today can you just pretend you do and hurry up and get dressed' Phil tired to be firm with Dan as he threw various T-shirts and jeans in Dans face loosing his patience.

'It's not that I don't like's tha-'

'Then what? Wat is your deal?' Phil interrupted, without thinking about what he was saying.

'It's the fact she obviously still likes you and is probably planning something' his voice attempted to rise in slight rage, but it was obvious he could not present that emotion to Phil.

'She just wants to come over to see how we are'

'No see how you are, she doesn't give a shit about me' he slammed the door as he left the room, clenching the cloths to his chest.

'Dan, please' he could hear faintly through the door as he stormed his way to the bath room. He sat on the toilet and clenched hair. He could not tell Phil why he resented Emma so much, he would take it the wrong way and would possibly leave him if he knew.

IM SORRY IM LATE AGAIN! I am trying it's just I've got a lot to do, like exams and stuff so sorry! There will defiantly be a chapter next Sunday...hopefully! LOVE YOU ALL SEE YOU NEXT WEEK

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