Together - Chapter Three

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Together - Chapter Three

Phil's face finally managed to present a limp smile after 2 days when he saw Dan's tweet. He instantly clicked on the link, bringing him to Youtube, without completely finishing reading it, he was just so excited to see what Dan had produced.

The first thing Phil noticed, before the video had even started, was the view count. 50 views in just over an It took Phil a whole day to reach 50 views, he was doing so well. How can he get 50 views, why did Phil not? A warmth grew inside Phil, he could not quite tell weather it was pride or envy, all he knew was that it was directed towards Dan.

'Some really good friends I've made recently' friends...friends? Phil thought he was the only 'friend' from YouTube he had made recently, why the plural? Also, why didn't be mention Phil's name? Was he embarrassed by Phil? Is that why Dan wanted to come to Rossendale so badly? Because he was ashamed to be seen with Phil?

Phil was starting to become sick with these thoughts, constantly in his mind. It was like each time he breathed he was shot in his lungs while an agonising stab came to his lifeless heart. Soon he could no longer bare watching the video and he had to pause it, before closing his laptop and sank into his bed, clenching his covers.

Being in the absence of Dan was the hardest thing he ever had to do. No other experience he had ever had caused this amount of pain. All he wanted to do was lay there, what was the point of doing anything else? Nothing could give him that joy or thrill that Dan gives him, just when he looked at him. He knew that no other experoence in life could give him this feeling and now all he would ever want to do for the remainder of life...was be with Dan.

Wait...why does Phil keep thinking of Dan in this way? Almost like he...fancied Dan. But he had never felt like this about anyone before, he had no idea what this feeling was. It did mean he liked Dan in that way, he was not gay. Or at least he did not think, he defiantly was not gay. He could not be. He had never had attraction to men, defiantly not gay. Was Dan? What did Dan think this was?

He and Dan never really talked about girls, even when Phil did Dan steered away the convocation. He never knew of Dan going on any dates or having girlfriends in the half a year they had been talking; could Dan be gay? No, he is probably just uncomfortable talking about these things. Phil knew Dan to be awkard like that, as he was at that age. Phil took that to be the answer...Dan was most proabaly stright, like him.

'Hey, congrats on the first video' Phil said down his webcams, 'I wanted to say well done in person' this was slightly true. Phil could not bring himself to leave a comment or even give the video a like in case Dan really was embarrassed to know him. Although he highly doubted this, Phil could not think of any other reason why Dan would not mention their new friendship in the video.

'Thanks, although it is horrifically awkward and boring' said Dan, hoping it would force Phil to be more complementary, even though he did believe it too be horrifically awkward and boring. He craved attention from Phil with every action he committed, even time he received it he wanted more. Almost like he was addicted to Phil's uplifting words.

'Every first video is, you handled it really well!' Phil responded, trying to calm Dan's nerves. Was not exactly what Dan was hoping he would say, he pleaded that Phil would say something like 'best first video I've ever seen...better than mine! You're great and going to be YouTube famous, more than someone like Charlieissocoollike'. Maybe that was an over exaggeration...Phil would never say that, even if he did it would be a lie. Phil never lies. He quickly tired to come up with a sentence to force Phil to be more complementary.

'Did you think the emo make-up was a bit much?' he continued, giving a slight nervous grin, in the hope Phil would take the hint.

Emo make-up? Phil really should have watched the remainder of Dan's video before talking to him...he needed to say something, before Dan suspected anything.

', of - of course not. It err... it was a great touch' the doubt in what Phil was saying came across in his voice. A light stutter and wobble appeared in the words he spoke, which Dan identified. He did not know what to think, why was he speaking like that? Dan did not have the strength to continue thinking like this and changed the subject to cover his agonising thoughts of Phil not liking the video at all.

'' nothing came to Dan's head that would steer the conversation, he had to think of something. A question came into his head, one he had been wanting to ask ever since him and Phil were parted, 'Are you free this weekend for me to come up to Rossendale?'

'Yeah, whenever you new free' Phil did not even think weather he was free or not, he would do anything and cancel everything to see Dan once again.

'Okay, Saturday at 2? I would've said an early time, but we both know we neither of us will be up before 12' both boys shared a slight laugh - and then a look. Each boy stared into through screen into one another's eyes. These were moments they often shared, however they were only for moments, before Dan would turn away and awkward slide his fingers through his fringe in an attempt to break the tension. This instantly broke Phil out of his trans like state and back into reality. The reality that Dan would never want to share these moments for more than a few seconds.

'Yeah, that sounds perfect' Phil finally responded.

So yeah...another chapter! Sorry if you were hoping for something more exciting but that'a all you're getting for now! Please vote and comment if you liked, criticism is also welcome! It really helps me to know if you guys are liking what I'm writing! See you next week LOVE YOU ALL! <3

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