Chapter 4

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"Really!? you listen to my fav song too?" Bright asked with sparkling eyes, Win smiled and nodded his head. Like he said he always get the weird feeling in his stomach,he was confused but let it slide instead.

They are on a coffee shop, the shop wasn't busy so they talk like no one else was on the shop. Except them.

"Woah! i didn't expect that we both have the same taste in music!" Bright smiled widely.

"Me too, i can't believe." Win said and place his coffee down on the table.

"Anyway, i heared you're a physchology student on a famous college in thailand? wow that's cool Win." Bright said. Win chuckle.

"Yes i'm in that school and yes i am a physchology student." Win answered.

"So you study people and their mind just by looking at their body language and facial expression and other stuff you guys study?" Bright asked again.

"Yes, i can tell easily just by looking at their body language, facial expression and the things they speak through the tone and other stuff." Win calmly explain.

"So you can tell if i'm lying or not?" Win smile and nod his head.

"Yes i can, i found out about that when i was 7 years old. A lady keep lying of rich she was and how powerful her friends are but i knew she was lying when i notice how her body keeps moving and her facial expressions when someone asks her about her friends and how powerful they are." Win told how he knew about observing people.

"Woah, that's cool. Then did you tell people that she was lying?"

"No, i had no time for stupid shits so i walk away which made her furious but i don't care. Since that day i keep observing people but not telling them the truth, i told my parents about it and they started allowing me to come to their meeting since they want to know if their clients are really genuine about the deal they made." Bright just listen while eating his chocolate cake.

Win chuckle when he notice how focused Bright is listening to him that he didn't notice the stain beside his lips, so Win put down the plate and wipe his lips with the tissue.

Bright froze, he feel the same thing he feel over and over again when he met Win and become friends with him while Win's heart was beating fast like he just ran a his whole mansion ten times.

Win tried to act like he's calm so he smiled and pat Bright's head while Bright was a blushing mess.

5:19 PM.

Win dropped Bright off his house as they bid their goodbye to eachother, Bright entered the house greeted by his parents who were whispering to eachother and they stop when they saw their son entering the house.

"Welcome home honey! how's your day?" his mom asked while walking to him, Bright smiled.

"100/10 mommy." his mom slightly opened her mouth and looked at his husband who was looking at his son suspiciously.

"Why so honey? tell us what happen." his mom grab his things and went upstairs to bring it to his room and went downstairs to talk to his son with his husband.

"So tell us what happend, it's the first time you rate your day like this." Bright just keep quite.

"Mom, how do you know when you're inlove with someone?" Bright asked out of nowhere making his parents gasp and looked at eachother with disbelief.

"W-Wait? is our son inlove!?" his mom said, covering her mouth with her hand.

"I think so honey." Bright's dad said, he pat his son's shoulder.

"Ask your mom son, she has more experience with love than me." Bright's mom rolled her eyes and Bright's dad pout.

"What? you know you're my first love and my last love."

"Shut up, you're so cheesy." Bright's dad just pout and lay his head on Bright's mom shoulder. Bright's mom turned to his son who was looking at them quitely.

"Let me ask son, what do you feel on the person you slowly like?" his mom asked.

"I feel safe, secure, happy, my stomach feels weird and lastly my heart beats fast when i'm with him." Bright explained, his mom softly smiled and hold his hand.

"Son, you're inlove." Bright looks at her.

"How could you say that mom? how did you know?" he askes in confusion.

"That's how i feel when i met your dad, he makes me happy like how you feel when you're with that person you love." his mom explained.

"I know you're still confuse with the whole thing hut it takes time to realize that you're inlove, i know it's your first time falling inlove so it's normal son."

"Don't rush anything, let the time decide the day when you want to confess ypur love to that person. If they reject you then it's fine, move on and focus on your self like how you do when you're single." Bright suddenly felt his heart drop on the floor when he heared the word reject.

What if Win rejects him? maybe Win will hate him because he likes him and they are both the same gender.

Suddenly he feel his head hurt like it was about to break, then the last thing he remembered is that everything when black.

He woke up and saw how his parents were worried, he rub his head because the pain is still their but it was less than before.

"What happend?" he asked.

"You fainted son, are you okay? we can go to the hospital if you want." his mom worriedly asked and his dad gave him a glass of water, Bright drank it and sigh.

"Are you okay son?" Bright looks at hismom and nodded.

"Yes i am mommy, my head still hurt though." Bright still rub his head.

"Here drink the medicine and take a rest okay? call us when you feel worst." his mom kiss his forehead as him and her husband left Bright's room.

Bright grab his phone and check it, he saw many missed calls and messages from Win.


Hey, i just arrived at my office hbu?

Hey, are you busy?

Don't skip meals okay?

Hey, i'm getting worry, answer my calls:(

Sorry, i just woke up sorry for making you worry •́  ‿ ,•̀

When Win saw Bright's message he immediately reply.


Glad to know you're okay, i'm free tommorow wanna hang out?

Sure! after my classes:)

Okay happy to hear that, see you tommorow. Goodnight. Bright.

Bright smiled, he's finally inlove.

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