Chapter 7

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Bright and Win were hugging eachother while they are in the park, enjoying the breeze of fresh air hitting their faces.

"I love you Bright, i will wait for you." Win said and caress the younger's hair, Bright closed his eyes and hummed.

"Thank you, Win." Bright spoke and opened his eyes as he stare into Win's eyes with love and hope.

"For what hmm?"

"For understanding me, for waiting for me. Its even a week since you started courting me and yet you're willing to wait for me like i will be gone for years." Bright chuckle after while Win hold his hand.

"Yes i am willing to wait for years Bright, only for you." Win smiled, Bright blushed and bury his face into Win's thighs.

"Is my baby shy now?" Win chuckle while Bright blush even more when he heared the nickname Win gave him, Win continue to caress his hair and Win notice how steady the breath of the younger on his lap and he knew that Bright fall asleep.

He smiled and made Bright turn his head to him, the light of the moon was hitting Bright's face same as the air and Win swear Bright looks Goddess.

Win took out his phone and capture of how beautiful his future lover will be, with those perfect lips, perfect nose, flawless skin and with those long lashes.

Win caress his cheek with a smile plastered on his face, he cannot believe that this beautiful thing is willing to be inlove with him hut not now maybe soon. He will wait until Bright was ready to be his lover.

"I love you, Bright." he said and kiss the younger's forehead.

3:22 am.

Win dream of two lovers who are running from the beach with wide smile on their faces, holding eachother's hands and even kissing eachother. The dream was perfectly fine until he realized that it was him and Bright, they were running on the beach with smile on their faces and holding eachother's hands and even kissing like normal lovers.

His dream was great until he saw the two lovers crying their hearts out in the night while hugging like it's the last time they're gonna see eachother and the worst part is that he saw the two lovers on the ground, lifeless while holding eachother's hands.

Win woke up and he notice a tear flowing down through his eyes, he woke up confused, sad but he feel so confuse that why him and Bright were laying on the ground lifeless? and he also remembered the flashbacks he called when he went to places him and Bright went to a place, it feels like he's familiar with it even though it's the first time they through that place.

What the heck is happening? Win thought and rubbed his forehead, Win then think he needed to find out about this dream and flashbacks he always have when he's with Bright.

7:10 AM.

Win woke up early and went downstairs he needed to ask his maids and guards if they know two lovers who died while holding eachother's hands, Win didn't get any infos when he ask his maids and guards but he suddenly went to the kitchen and found one of the oldest maid he have. She was the one who take care of Win when he was still wearing diapers and she was on her 80's.

When Win saw her he immediately went to her side as he speak.

"Hello grandma mimi, can i ask you something?" Win asked, the old woman looked at him and smile.

"What is it my little carrot?" Grandma mimi stills calls him that even though he's an adult already but he's okay with it.

"I don't know grandma mimi but do you know two lovers that died while holding their hands? they're both men and they were found dead in the floor. Do you know about that grandma mimi?" Win asked, Grandma mimi's smile drop and turned into a sad one. Win raised a brow.

"What happend grandma mimi? did i say something wrong?" Win asked, Grandma mimi shooked her head.

"You didn't na, it was just i remember my old cousin who past away while holding his lover's hand." Grandma mimi said while wipping her wet hands.

"That's sad grandma mimi, can you describe their face? i wanna know." Win asked, trying to trick Grandma mimi just to know if they're the same as his dreams.

And guess what? he really tricked Grandma mimi because she went to her room and came back with old photos on her hands.

"Here, the photos were old since i cannot explain what they look like. Actually the lover of my old cousin looks like you little carrot." Grandma mimi pinched his cheek. Win smiled and take a good look on the photo in the table. Win widened his eyes when the lover of Grandma mimi's old cousin looks like him and his old cousin looks like Bright!

"G-Grandma mimi, can you tell me about their story? i wanna know." Win said, Grandma mimi smiled and nod.

"Their love story started when they meet, they said they bumped into eachother on the way and the lover of my old cousin immediately fell inlove with my old cousin. The media thought they're only friends because gay people aren't allowed on that time so they decided to kept their relationship in secret, one day their family found out about their relationship and force them to break up but the two of them didn't allow their family to do what they want on their relationship. They fight for their love but they didn't sucessed. That's why they decided to end their lives while still loving eachother, i hope my old cousin and his lover will be together someday maybe now or maybe soon on their next lives." Grandma mimi smiled while telling his old cousin's love story, Win as a great observant immediately asked.

"Why did you keep saying they grandma mimi? did someone told you about that?" Win asked, Grandma mimi nodded her head.

"My mother did because i was young back then when the death of my old cousin happend." Win nodded his head, he look at the photos again and took out his phone as he take a photo.

"Your old cousin's lover looks handsome Grandma mimi, is he a actor or what?" Win asked while staring at his look a like face, Win feels like it was him staring at himself in the 60's.

"Yes he is, he's very famous in thailand and other countries because of his acting skills while my old cousin is a famous painter." Win shot his head to look at Grandma mimi with almost wide eyes but try to control it since he didn't want Grandma mimi to suspect him of anything.

Then a question pop into his mind so he didn't hesitate to ask Grandma mimi.

"Grandma mimi, when did this incident happend?" he asked while staring at Grandma mimi, waiting for her answers while his heart was beating so fast he didn't know why. He don't know waht to feel, he doesn't know what he feels.


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