Chapter 11

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The next was nothing to Bright and Win.

Bright came to school almost late, right now he's sitting on his chair while staring in his table like there is something interesting in it.

He was thinking what happend yesterday, the words Win said to him. It's making him worry to death.

TW: Blood n Death.

Hours had past, Bright was walking home since Win told him he cannot pick him up because an urgent meeting came.

Bright was holding a pocket knife in his hand that Win gave him for protection and a pepper spray which Love gave him for extra so that he can spray and ran away.

While walking he took off his earphones and look behind him, there was two guys watching him. They were tall, have big muscles that could choke you to death.

And Bright swear he almost shitted on his pants, he took a deep breath and slowly walk backward still making a eyecontact with the two guys.

"Hey there baby boy, looks like we are gonna eat someone's ass tonight right?" he look at his friend with a smirk on his face.

"Oh really? well someone was about to get their ass ripped by this." Bright pulled out a pocket knife, he showed them and the two guys laugh at him.

"Look, baby boy is trying to be strong." they both laugh hard hut stoppes when Bright sprayed the pepper spray in their eyes, they screamed and try to grab Bright with their closed eyes.

Bright stood there, hesistating to run or just stand there. But the two guys suddenly got their vision back and started chasing Bright.

Bright run fast as he could, he couldn't think of anything than running for his dear life.

One of the guy caught him and help him tightly, he tried to run away but he winced in pain when the guy held him tightly.

The other guy grabbed his chin harsh, he smirk and slapped Bright.

Bright whimpered in pain as the slap sting his sensitive skin.

"Let me go please.." he begged in a low voice.

"Not so easy baby boy, how about you stay obedient and follow our commands?" the guy raise his brow waiting for Bright's answer.

Bright grab the pocket knife which he kept in his pocket after he run so fast, he positioned the knife in the guy and stabbed his arm. The guy screamed in pain and pushed him away.

The other guy was about to grab him when he suddenly stabbed the guy in the throat making the guy started choking for air as the blood keep flowing down on his neck.

The guy thay Bright stabbed on the arm got up and was about to grab him when Bright kick him on the stomach as he top him, he started stabbing the guy many times on his chest until he's tired.

He suddenly realized what he did, he immediately stood up and dropped the pocket knife. He look at his hands that has blood of the two guys he just killed.

"N-No..N-No! i-i killed someo-one..." he said in a cracked voice then he started laughing and cry, he grabbed his phone from his pocket and dialed Win's phone number with his bloody hands.

"Hello? Is your class done Bright?" Win asked from the otherline. He frowned when he heared Bright crying.

"Hey..Are you okay? are you hurt?" Bright ignored his questions and keep crying until he was out of breath.

"Bright! are you in danger? i'll call my men for help! tell me where are you at and i'll come!" Win asked, he was panicking.

"xxxx Street." Win felt his body froze, that area was dangerous. Why would Bright be there?

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