Meet the family.

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I was born on October 16th, 1998 in San Antonio, Texas 2 minutes after my brother, Michael Darnell. He still to this day calls himself the "oldest" by 120 seconds. Michael and I have been very close since we were young little babies. Because my younger brother Patrick wasn't born yet we didn't have anyone to play with but each other. We pretty much grew up with just each other, my older brother and mom took care of us until she was pregnant again then it was up to my 8 year old brother, Shaun, to look after two annoying toddlers. But we grew up and turned out pretty okay if I say so myself. Then 3 years after Patrick was born my mother was diagnosed with stage 3 of Brian cancer. We did everything we could to keep her with us but on January 9th she passed away. It was so hard on my dad to see her just slip away from us he didn't really know how to deal with it. He decided to pack us up and move to Fresno, California where his career really kicked off. We came very close as a family when we moved to California because my dad worked at home more. After a few years we moved into a gated community where a bunch of home schooled or online school kids lived. That's were we are now. Living in our gorgeous home with our friends and each other. This is me, Reagan Darnell's life.

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I roll over and sun comes spilling over my face. I put my hand up to cover face and get out of bed. I find my phone and turn it on. 1:30 in the afternoon, wow. I grab a sweat shirt and walk down stairs. I walk through the living room to the kitchen to find Michael with his best friends, Christian, Zach, Shane, and Mikey.

"Well good morning." Michael says ruffling my hair.

I give him a weak smile," good morning." The guys go back to their conversation about something as I look through the fridge to find something to eat. I grab the box of leftover Chinese and grab a fork.

"So what's the plan for today?" I say sitting at one of the bar stools next to Shane.

"Probably gonna go to the beach." Shane says. I nod, pretty typical first day of summer activity.

"You can come if you want," Michael says," you just have to bring your hot friends." I roll my eyes Michael has had a crush on my best friend Jessica since they day we moved in.

"No seriously. You can't come unless you bring your friends." Michael says.
I get up and hit the back of his head making his friends laugh.

"We all know you want Jessica but you can't have her, she got back with her boyfriend Chad." Michael's eyes practically pop out of his head.

"Are you fucking serious! That dude is a dick!"

"He might be a dick but he's hot." I say throwing my trash away.

"Whatever just call your friends and tell them to meet us at south beach at 2." Michael huffs. I turn around and head up stairs. Once up stairs I start calling my friends. First I call Jessica she said that she would come. Next I call Melanie she says she there now. And last I call Becca she said she's with her family so she can't. After that I put on a black bikini top that has lace detailing and then a plain black bikini bottom. I put some of my things into a backpack before heading down stairs. The guys are all sitting in the living room talking.

"Hey where's Michael ?" I ask sitting in one of the free chairs.

"Up stairs." I nod he always took forever to get ready. After sitting there for a few minutes I feel someone looking at me. I glance around and find Christian looking at me, well my body. Christian and I dated two years ago for 6 months until Patrick saw him sucking faces with some random girl in his car outside of school. I broke up with him and that was it. Michael was so pissed he wouldn't let him in our house for 3 months. Finally he let him back to our house but I wouldn't talk to him or look at him.

"You guys ready?" Michael says I get up quickly and walk towards the door. The other guys get up too and head out to our car. We have a black SUV with 3 rows of seating for all out friends. Michael and I have to share a car sadly but it has it's perks at times. We all pile in I sit in the very back next to Mikey. Mikey was my favorite friend of my brothers. I've known him since the day we moved in. He's so sweet and funny and most importantly hot. And by hot I mean model hot. I've always had a small little tiny crush on him even when I was dating Christian. We buckle up and I rest my head on his shoulder.

"I saw Christian checking you out inside. You know I will beat him to death if you ever need to me to right ?" He whispers into my hair.

"Yeah I know, I saw him but thank you." I whisper back. His head lingers on the top of mine for awhile. We've always had this special bond that I didn't have with anyone else but him where we would hug and mess around in a "flirty" way. Christian hated it he tried to tell me I couldn't hang out with Mikey unless he was around. I got so mad at him I slapped him.

"Your hair smells good by the way."
Mikey whispers breaking my train of thought. I giggle at his weird remark

"Thank you ?" I whisper

"Your welcome." The rest of the ride is silence. Well minus the radio and Michael, Christian, Zach, and Shane talking. I dose off a little bit but am woken up by the sound of Mikey's voice.

"Reagan.. Come on wake up." He says rubbing my arm. My heart flutters at his touch causing my eyes to open.

"Finally come on Jessica is looking for you." Michael says with an agitated tone. I remove my head from Mikey's shoulder and climb out of the car. I rub my eyes and fix my hair once outside.

"Have a nice nap?" Mikey asks slinging his arm around my shoulder.

I laugh vaguely," yeah your shoulders are good for naps." He chuckles

"REAGAN!" I turn my head to see Melanie standing down at the beach. She comes running and I go running towards her. Our bodies collide into a hug knocking the wind out of me. I haven't seen her in 2 months while she was in Tennessee with her moms side of the family.
"Oh my god how have you been?" She asks letting go.

"Great ! How are you and Blake ?" I ask.

She smiles a full tooth smile," Amazing ! My family loves him!"

"That's great." I say smiling. Her and Blake have been together for almost 2 years now. They are the cutest couple ever to exist, I swear. 

"So what's going on with you and Mikey?" Asks wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"Nothing, you know how we are."

"Yeah but he usually doesn't look at you the way he was earlier." She says winking. I blush, did he have feelings for me?

"Come on the water feels amazing." She says pulling me towards the beach.

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