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Dinner went fine, nothing crazy happened really. We just ate and talked like everything was completely normal. We talked about dads latest production, and Shaun's college stuff. It was refreshing for everything to be normal compared to what the last month has been like. I adore how we are all so calm and east going, it makes life a lot easier. For everyone to be speaking in calm tons as to screaming or frantically panicking.

After dinner we all split our own ways to go do whatever the hell we want. I go up stairs and unpack my bag from my little 24 hour runaway trip. While I do that I dance around my room to some Cheetah Girls, Hannah Montana, and Jonas Brothers. I don't care how old I am I will forever and always love them. Once my bag is unpacked I plop down on my bed. I can't go anywhere for another five days plus no phone. Yes I know how will I ever live and honestly I don't know how I will either. I sigh and change into some pjs before snuggling down into my covers.

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My feet slap the pavement as I inhale sharply through my nose then exhale thought my mouth. In through your nose out through your mouth is what I've always been told. Now I know what your thinking, is this girl actually running? As in running for fun ? And the answer is yes, I'm trying but I'm not doing very great. But I know I know I ran a ton the last two days when I ran to Bianca's and Mikey's. But that was different I had Adrenaline pumping through me like crazy. But yes here I am at 7 in the morning running through my neighbourhood trying so hard not to stop every ten seconds to breath. After one last turn I see my house and I start to jog a little harder.

In through your nose out through your mouth.

In through your nose out through your mouth.

In through your nose out through your mouth.

Okay screw this I'm walking the rest.

Once home I go up stairs and take a nice cold shower. Cold showers are the best after runs out in the California heat. I stand in shower and do my typical life analysis. Just think about everything life as given me, good and bad. After that I get out of the shower and put my hair up in a bun before throwing some jean shorts .I pair it with a cream shear tank top and a thin knit light blue sweater. After that I put a blue crystal necklace on before I head down stairs towards the kitchen. Once in the kitchen I walk over to the fridge and open it scanning over the food inside. A pairs of arms around my waist making me feel all fuzzy inside like a teddy bear. Only one person can do this to me. He places his head in the crook of my neck and kisses me gently.

"Miss me ?" He whispers huskily in my ear. My heart beat starts to pick up and I take a sharp inhale. He chuckles and kisses my neck again and again.


"Shh... Baby you have to be quiet." He whispers before continuing his work. He kisses me again and again until he finally lets me go. My breathing is heavy after he releases me. He chuckles and grabs a bottle of water out of the fridge. I grab some grapes and shut the door then sit up on the counter.

"So what are you guys doing today ?" I ask as I pop a grape in my mouth.

"I don't know really, Michael's on the phone with Jessica right now so I got kicked out of his room. But I think we might go skate or something." I nod and continue to eat my grapes. He comes over and takes a grape before sitting on the counter next to me. I rest my head on his shoulder and sigh.

"Everything okay ?" He asks resting his head on top of mine. I nod and close my eyes. I could stay like this forever. Just sitting here in my kitchen with the guy I love. It's amazing how life is so crazy and random. Never in a million years would I have thought I would be with Mikey, not just flirting with him, but actually in a serious relationship with him.

"Well then what's goin' on in the head of yours."

"Just thinking, that's all really."

"Well I know that, I meant what are you thinking about."

"You." I say so quietly it's barely audible. He casts his arm around my waist and kisses the top of my head. Butterflies shoot up in my stomach making me feel all giddy again.

"I love you baby."

"I love you too." My heart flutters at that word. Love. Something that can make you so happy, but can also make you feel so sad at.

Of course then satan's spawn comes in ruining our moment.

"God why do you guys feel the need to be so lovey dovey all the time. It's quit repulsive to watch." He says standing in front of us.

"I'm sorry we don't grope each other like you and Jessica." Instantly Michael's face lights up in shock knowing I saw their little "session" the other night.

"I'm not here to bicker with you I'm here to get Mikey so we can go." I sigh and hop off the counter. Mikey does the same thing. He pulls me into a hug making my whole body feel so warm.

"I'll see you later okay ? I love you baby girl." He says giving me a quick peck on the lips before heading out through the garage with Michael. I hear Michael mutter something as they walk out and I smirk. I love making my brother uncomfortable.

------- ---------A.N-------- --------

Hey guys ! I hope you liked this chapter, I know it was really short but it's still a chapter ,right ? Anyways I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you ! This story has 1.15k reads ! THATS CRAZY!!! So because of all the reads I want to know what you guys want to read about, leave my some suggestions down in the comments. I write for you guys to enjoy so I want next chapter to be the best it possibly can. So if you have anything like anything at all you'd like to see next chapter leave it in the comment ! But other than that don't forget to leave a vote! I love you guys sooooo much <3

Happy reading

Brothers Best FriendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora