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***one week later***

It's the last week. The last week of summer and it's been nothing but storms. Rain with some rain and a little more rain is just the way I wanted to end my summer. I mope around the house all week dreading the thought of school and tests and graduating. It's scary as hell to think that in a year I'll be going off to college. It makes me think of Mikey and I and how our relationship is going to work if we go to different colleges. I try not to think about it as I head down stairs to get some water. As I head into the kitchen I see my dad going through some mail. He's stopped dead on some letter.

"Hey pops whatcha reading ?" He looks up at me with tears strung along his water line.

"Y-you got in Reagan. UCLA excepted you." He says as he breaks into a smile. My heart practically bursts when he says that. I'm going to go to my dream school ! Even if my old brother is going there, it doesn't matter he'll be a Sophomore when I'm a freshman and we have totally different majors.

"I-I- I need to go tell Michael an-and Mikey ! Oh my god dad !" I run over and hug him tears running down my face.

"I know I'm so proud of you Rea, I know your mom would be too." I sniff and give him one last smile before I head upstairs to my room. I change into some dark blue jean shorts that squeeze my hips perfectly along with a black tank top and a white shear cardigan that comes half way down my thighs. I put my vans on as I grab my phone and car keys before heading over to Mikey's.

------- ------- ------- -------- ------- ----

I pull up to an empty drive way leading to Mikey's house, which is odd because his family has 2 cars one being his. I get scared that he's not home but I decide to knock on the door anyways. To my surprise Mikey opens the door with a towel wrapped around his waist and water droplets glistening on his skin.

"Reagan hi I didn't know you were coming." He says giving me that heart stopping grin.

"Yeah sorry I forgot to call because I have some really exciting news." He smiles and opens the door for me all the way so I can step in.

"I'm going to go change and then I'll come back and you can tell me everything okay ?" I nod so he heads up stairs to his room. After a few minutes Mikey walks back down stairs with a flannel button up in with the sleeves pushed up and some black jeans. The smell of his cologne wafts down the steps after him making my inside feel warm. He takes my hand and leads me over to the couch were we sit facing each other.

"So I got a letter today, a very special letter." His eyes lock with mine as I speak making me loose my train of thought for a second.

"I've.. Well I got in to UCLA." His eyes light with happiness when I say that making me even more happy.

"Babe that's great !" He says before kissing me swiftly. I kiss him back instantly grabbing handfuls of his shirt pulling him closer to me. Our kisses grow deeper with passion and lust for each other. Mikey grabs me by the hips and places me on his lap grinding my hips slowly. He groans when I start to go harder and even slower. He takes my face in his hand and presses me even closer to him. After a few more minutes of intense make out Mikey's hands move south to the small of my back. He does it exactly like last time, starts with playing with my top of my underwear then his hands slip in and last the pants come offs. I stop when I realise what's happening.

"Mikey your mom and brother-" I say breathlessly. He chuckles and shakes his head.

"Their up in San Diego for my brothers wrestling tournament all weekend." He says smirking. I grin at him back before going back to kissing him. His hands caress my sides as mine find their way to his shirt. I start to unbutton the flannel shirt when Mikey pulls away. He looks confused but happy.

"I'm ready." I say undoing the last button.

"Are you sure ? I don't want you to rush-" I cut him off with a kiss as my hands feast on his perfect body. He pulls away again and pulls my cardigan and shirt off leaving me in nothing but my black underwear and light blue bra. He stands up and picks me up with him before kissing me again as he carries me up stairs to his room shutting the door behind us.

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We lay under the sheets of Mikey's bed tangled in each others arms breathing heavily with a thin layer of sweat glazed over our bodies. His arms are around my waist as half of my body lays on his chest. He's rubbing little circles into my back as he regains his breath.

"That was way better than I had ever thought." He says closing his eyes smiling.

"You've fantasised about me before?" I ask grinning a little.

"Babe I fantasise about you all the damn time. I mean when I have a girlfriend as perfect as you who else would I think about." He says before kissing me softly.

"I love you Mikey." I say quietly.

"I love you too Reagan." The rest of the night was nothing but pure bliss.

------- ---------A.N-------- --------

Hello everyone ! I hope you guys liked this chapter because I frickin did ! It happened ! They finally did the dirty. I thought it was perfect timing in the story with it coming to a close here soon. Anyways yes next chapter is the last one but I've already started writing the next book ! For the last chapter I will be revealing the title and cover of the new book so yay ! Anyways don't forget to vote and leave a commet! Love you guys !

Happy reading

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