We Can Get Through.

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**1 week later**

Thunder and lightning strike lighting my room, up making me shoot wake.

"Fucking hell.." I mutter as I rub my eyes. All week as been nothing but rain. With more rain and some thunder and lighting. I hate it. I've hated thunder storms since I was little after one night. I was five years old, Michael and I were playing out side while my mom was inside making dinner and talking to Bianca on the phone. We were playing some make-believe game when dark storm clouds rolled in. It started raining which didn't both me or Michael but then the thunder struck. We both went running to the back door but it had locked behind us. We could see our mom laughing and as she chopped the vegetables. We were both screaming and banging on the door but the TV and conversation where too loud for her to hear us. We sat outside for 30 minutes crying huddled together with our backs against the door shaking at the sound of thunder until my mom was done with dinner and realised we were still outside. She had tears running down her cheeks as she held us into her she we sobbed into her.
To this day I have had problems with thunder storms. I break from my though when I hear my door creak open. Patrick is standing in the door way.

"Hey.." He says quietly

"Hi.. You okay ?" I ask sitting up. He shakes his head and comes running to my bed. I scoot over and he get in my bed with me. I pull him into me rubbing his back.

"I can't loose Michael too, I never really got to be with mom an-an-and I need Michael. I need him Rea..." I feel his tears make my t-shirt wet. I rest my head on top of his while I rub his back.

"I know Pat.. I know." We both are silent as we try to go back to sleep.

------ ------- -------- ------- ----------

I roll over and my eyes creep open to glance at the clock on my bed side table. 11:00 am. Great. Patrick left sometime earlier this morning so it's just me in my room. I get up and grab my phone. 5 text messages from Mikey.

Mikey ;)) -- Hey babe just checkin in on you and wondering how your doing. I'd really like to see you today, I miss you

Mikey ;))-- Hey wake up I want to talk to you

Mikey ;))-- Reagaaann. I will come over to your house and wake you up so you will text me back

Mikey ;))-- your being so annoying right now

Mikey ;))-- REAAGAAAN ! I will be at your house at 11:00. I want to see my girlfriend so you don't have a choice anymore.

I smile at Mikey's text messages and walk towards my closet. I grabbed a fall out boy t-shirt and some Victoria Secret leggings. I put them on and brush my hair out before heading down stairs. As I walk down the stairs I hear my dad talking to someone in the kitchen.

".. She's been extremely depressed all week so take her somewhere fun okay? Just do whatever she wants. She really needs you right now Mikey."
My dads voice is soft and quiet but is still audible from the living room.

"Yes sir I will."

After a few minutes of silence between them I walk into the kitchen. They both turn towards me with a smile.

"Good morning sweetheart." My dad says in a chirpy tone. I smile and give him a hug before walking over to Mikey. He pulls me into chest wrapping his arms around my waist tightly.

"Good morning beautiful." He mumbles into my hair making my heart flutter. I pull away and smile up at him as he smiles down at me.

"Well I have to leave for work so I'll see you two later. I'll call you if I hear anything okay ?" My dad says as he grabs his keys. I nod and watch him walk towards the garage. Once I hear is car drive away I turn toward Mikey. I wrap my arms around his neck and look up at him.

"So what's the plan for today." I ask as my finger tips brush through his hair. He lifts me up and sets me on the counter top so our eyes are level with each other.

"Depends on what your feeling for today. We can go to the beach or the movie or we can stay here and chill or we can go to my house. It's whatever you want to do baby." He says as he pushes a few strains of hair behind my ear.

"Can we stay here ?" I ask as I look down at my hands.

"Of course we can." He says as he lifts my chin up. Our eyes lock and I feel the electricity between us. My eyes roam down his face to his lips. Damn they look so amazing. I lean towards him until our lips connect. The kiss starts off soft and gentle but begins to become more heated. I feel his hands on my thighs, rubbing up and down while my hands roam through his hair freely. I pull back a little and he follows with his eyes still closed. He leans forwards and our lips meet. His right hand is now on my face pulling me towards him. He pulls away and moves his lips to my neck. He plants kisses all along my neck before he starts to add teeth causing me to moan softly.

"Mikey...." I say moving my hand along the side of his face. He continues to to leave love bits on my neck. Before long he pulls away and starts to kiss my lips again. I pull away and tease him a little more. He follows and I move back and he follows. I turn his head and start to kiss the side of his face. I nibble on his ear before I move back to his lips. I place my finger is his lower lip and pull it down gently before kissing him again. His hands travel down towards my lower back to the waisted band of my leggings. He pulls away and whispers in my ear,

"Have I ever told you how sexy you look in leggings." I giggle and kiss him. He pulls back and brushes his tongue along my lower lip before placing his lips back on mine. I kiss him nice and passionately. He kisses me back the same way. We continue like this until I feel his little friend against my thigh.

"The things you do to me .." He says as he pulls away. I giggle and rest my head on his shoulder. Today is going to be a great day.

------- ---------A.N-------- --------

Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter. I really enjoyed writing it! I'm sorry it took me like 2 weeks but I really try and make sure each chapter is perfect for you guys. Don't forget to leave a comment and vote!

Happy reading <3

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