Manipulating With Tears.

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"I-I think I do too but not now. Michael and I aren't exactly in a good place and neither are me and Jessica. I promise it's not because I don't want you because holy hell do I want to kiss every inch of you right now but it's just bad timing." He smiles at me and kisses me gently one last time before grabbing his shirt off the floor and putting it back on. Mikey hands me his black zip up jacket which I put on. I lay back down on the bed waiting for Mikey to get situated. After taking his pants off he gets back into the bed with me wrapping his arms around my waist.

"By the way your motorcycle and lace underwear are super fucking hot." He whispers in my ear. I giggle and lean into his back more. I glance over at the clock; 10:30 pm. I sigh and close my eyes, today has been beyond interesting.

------- --------- ------- -------- ---------

I wake up the next morning alone. No Mikey next to me. His clothing are gone too. This is weird, he always stays in bed until I wake up. I get up and go over to my closet grabbing a shirt and shorts putting both on before putting the zip up hoody back on. I grab my phone off my night stand then head down stairs. Once down stairs I walk into the living room to find Mikey, Jake, Hayden, and Michael all watching some sports channel. Mikey sees me and smiling, I smile at him back even though I'm a tiny bit mad at him for not waiting for me this morning. I head into the kitchen where Jessica is preparing breakfast.

"Goodmorning." She says smiling at me. I don't say anything or even look at her. I walk over to the fridge and grab a water bottle.

"So this is how's it's going to be for the next few weeks, your just going to ignore me. I'm sorry Reagan I didn't mean for things to turn out like this-"

"BULLSHIT ! If you hadn't wanted to move you could've stayed with us, and you know that's true. You want to go to Eureka ! And you knew that Michael would come with you if you asked him. God Jessica why are you being so selfish! Don't you understand that what your doing doesn't only effect you ! To answer your question yes I am going to ignore you because your being a selfish bitch !" Her eyes practically pop out her head when I finish I don't care though I storm out of the kitchen walking straight up stairs to my room putting some jean shorts on and a cropped sweater tank top. I grab my white vans and head back down stairs.

"Reagan where are you going ? Hey ! Hey come back here. We need to talk." Michael yells as I walk towards the door.

"Theres nothing to talk about Michael." I say. After that I slam the front door shut and head towards my car. As I walk I head the front door open again.

"Reagan. Hey babe wait up." Mikey's says as he jogs over to the car. I get in the car and start it. He gets in the passenger side and looks at me.

"So, where we headed to."

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I pull up to the clearing in the woods and park the car. It's the same way it was when we were here last. I get out of the car and walk over to the seats. I sit down and pull my knees to my chest and hug them. I feel Mikey sit down next to me and pull me into his lap.

"She's taking my brother away from me and she doesn't give a shit." I stammer.

"I know baby but he loves her, he loves her a lot. He wants to be with her so you just have to let them go." He says quietly as he rubs my arm.

"But why does that mean they get to leave. I love you but I don't make you move almost 9 hours away from your family. I don't manipulate you with tears into leaving."

"I know I know but we both know how their relationship is. You just have to put a smile on and pretend your happy for them." I sigh and play with the seam of his shirt.

"Everything is going to be okay I promise." He says kissing the top of my head lightly.

"I love you."

"I love you too Rea." After that we hang out at the clearing for a while more just talking about stuff; school, plans, life.

"Hey listen it's almost lunch time and neither of us have had anything to eat so why don't we hit Taco Bell and then head back to my house." I smile and nod getting up heading towards the car. Mikey insists on driving so I let him, after quiet bit of protesting. We pile in the car buckling up and turning the radio on.

------- ---------A.N-------- -------- 

Hello everyone ! Back with another chapter ! This book will be finished in 3 chapters so stay with me ! My new romance novel is out so please go over there and read it ! It's only the first chapter but I'm really excited to write it. Anyways once this book is done I will be writing a sequel so stay tuned ! Anyways please leave a vote and a comment ! Love you guys so much !

Happy reading

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