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***Mikeys POV***

It's about 11 in the morning and Reagan is still sound asleep on my chest. I don't think I've ever been happier than right now. I got woke up by my baby girl and now she's asleep on my chest. Which by the way she looks adorable. Her hair is falling out of the pony tail and her mouth is open a little bit. Her arms are clutching to the sides of my chest and her head is resting on my chest as well. Words can't describe how happy I was when I woke up and she was laying on me. Everything feels so good when I'm with her. It's like nothing else matters. I'm snapped out of my thoughts by my door opening. I my brother, Tommy, pokes his head in and smirks. He walks over and crouches down next to me.

"Did you finally do her." He whispers. I glare at him and smack him upside the head.

"No dumb shit." He chuckles and glances at her and then back at me.

"I don't know how you haven't hit that yet. I mean damn..." He eyes travel down her body making me heat up.

"It's because I respect her and will wait for her until she's ready. I'm her boyfriend and that's just what you do. Now stop eye raping her and get the hell out." I snap. Tommy puts his hands up in defence and walks out. He's such a dick sometimes. He says I'm getting too soft from being with her but he doesn't understand shit. Reagan stirs a little before going back to sleep. I smile and kiss the top of her head. I really don't know how I got so lucky. She's everything I've ever wanted and more. If I wasn't 17 I'd probably ask her to marry me because she makes me that fucking happy. She stirs some more and picks her head up. She rubs her eyes and smiles weakly at me.


"Hi baby." She smiles which makes me smile back at her.

"What time is it?" She asks sitting up so that she's straddling me.

"Umm...11:25." She nods looks around.

"I'm hungry."

"Yeah me too. Let's go down stairs and get some food." She nods and gets off and walks over to her bag pulling out my grey fuzzy sweatshirt. She pulls it over her head and walks over to me. She's wraps her arm around my back so I sling my arm over her shoulder.

"You look so good in that sweatshirt baby." I say as we walk down stairs.

"So I've been told." She says smirking. I chuckle and kiss the top of her head. We walk into the kitchen to see my mom at the stove making something. It smells amazing but I don't know what it is.

"Good morning momma." My mom turns around and smiles.

"Good morning honey."

"Whatcha makin?" I ask walking over to the fridge with Reagan. I open it up and grab two waters. I hand one to her and open mine taking a sip out of it.

"Some brunch. It'll be done in a little while, why don't you and Reagan go in the living room and wait for it to be done." She says not even looking over her should once. So Reagan and I head into the living room. I sit down on the couch and she sits down on my lap. I grab a blanket from the back of the couch and wrap it around the both of us. She leans back into my chest and I tighten my grip around her.

"Well hi love birds." Tommy says as he plops down next to us on the couch.

"Hi Tommy." Reagan says smiling. I glare at Tommy and he smirks.

"So how did you sleep Reagan ?" She blushes and looks down at her hands.

"She slept fine Tommy." I bark. He smirks and grabs the TV remote.

"Hey just trying to make some small talk that's all." He says. He turns the TV on and starts to flip through a few channels before he settles on the news. They watch the news for a little while but I don't really pay attention to them I'm more focused on the smell coming from the kitchen. It smells fucking amazing. I haven't eaten anything since lunch yesterday...

"Mikey. Mikey. Helloo?" Reagan says as she waves her hand around in front of my face.

"Hm. sorry-what?" She giggles and stands up.

"Brunch is ready." I bolt up and practically sprint to the table. I sit down and Reagan sits down next to me.

"Hungry huh?" Tommy asks as he smirks.

"For the brunch, yes." I say as I glare at him. He chuckles and shakes his head. Then my mom walks out with two platters of food.

"Who's ready to eat ?" She asks smiling.

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***Reagan's POV***

After the amazingly amazing brunch Mikey and I decide to go outside in the backyard. They have an old swing set from when Mikey and Tommy were little so we go over and sit down on the swings.

"So.. I don't mean to ruin the moment but how come you came over so early this morning? Not that it wasn't the greatest thing ever but you usually don't wake up any earlier than like 10." Mikey asks as he swings back and forth slowly. I sigh and look down at the ground.

"My dad and I got in this big fight because he though we had had sex. So I left yesterday night and went to Bianca's where I spent the night. Then I got woken up this morning by a car alarm and just left and came here." I say looking around as a I talk.

"Does he know where you are?" Mikey asks. I shake my head no and he sighs.

"Baby I know your mad at him but he's your dad. If anything happened to you it would be pinned on him. I know you probably don't want me to say this but you need to call him and tell him where you are." Mikey says stoping my swing. I sigh and rest my elbows on my knees and put my face in my hands.

"I just... I though he trusted me Mikey.. But he doesn't. He thinks I'm some horny teenager like my brother." I say running my hands threw my hair.

"No he doesn't, I think he was just worried about you. I mean come on you didn't text him all night and you always text him back. Plus the fact that we weren't at either of each others house. That might make some parents think something is going on but I get it. You though he trusted you and your hurt. I just think you should call him and let him know that your not dead or something." I crack a smile at the last part and look up. Mikey's eyes are glued to me so our eyes lock and I feel that electricity between us.

"Okay... Okay maybe your right. But I'm not going home today. I still need some time to cool off." I say and he nods.

"Come on let's go call your dad." Mikey says holding his hand out. I take it and we walk back to the house together.

------- ---------A.N-------- --------

Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter because I sure did. Had lots of feels in it that just make your heart o so happy. New chapter coming soon like usual. But other than that you guys know the drill; vote and comment please ! It helps me a lot and it also saves a baby seal from death :( <3 im just kidding but Fr it makes me smile a lot to see you guys are liking the story. But I love you guys lots <3

Happy reading

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