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***1 week later***

Life surprises you all the time. Like when your ex boyfriend that just beat the shit out of your brother and best friendish thing shows up at your house with huge bouquet of flowers. Yep at 10:30 in the morning Christian Versec rung my door bell and I blindly opened it.

"Reagan I feel like a dick. I just.. I messed up bad. I was so stupid to let someone as amazing as you go. I'm really really trying to make it up to you. I'm tired of fighting and I'm ready to try again." He smiles a little once he's finished and hands me the flowers.

"This is.. Wow so sweet. But-" Michael cuts me off by stepping into the doorframe.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He asks pushing me back into the house.

"I'm here to apologise to Reagan. And that's it." Michael is quiet for a minute before speaking,

"You have a minute and I'm going to be over there so don't think you gonna get away with anything stupid." Christian nods and Michael walks away.

"Christian this is all really sweet and I really appreciate it but I don't think we should repeat history. Plus I've.. Well I've found someone else." I say pushing a few hairs behind my ear.

"It's Mikey isn't it. Mikey fucking Marrero." He says leaning his arm up against the side of the house shaking his head. Thankfully Michael comes up from behind me.

"Alright Christian that's it you can leave now." He says bluntly. Christian pushes himself off the wall and walks down the steps. I shut the door and walk into the kitchen.

"What am I going to do with these flowers?" I ask Michael.

"I'd turn them to ashes." Michael says opening the fridge when Zach comes running in

"Michael come on Christian is trying to go at Mikey again." I push past them and sprint outside and sure enough Christian is taking swings at Mikey. He hits him once but Mikey dodges the second swing.

"Christian stop this isn't what Reagan wants." Mikey says breathlessly

"I DONT GIVE A FUCK. YOUR MY PROBLEM RIGHT NOW." He yells anger steaming with every word he say.

"Christian." I say slamming my front door shut. He instantly lowers his fist and looks at me with pleading eyes.

"Reagan I-I-"

"You lied to me. You told me that you were done with fighting. I know that your mad but Mikey isn't the problem here. I've moved on and so should you. So please leave." I say as calmly as possible. Christian glares at Mikey one last time before storming off to his car and driving away.

"He's fucking insane I swear." Michael says pushing the door open. His friends follow him inside towards the kitchen. Mikey lingers behind and stops when he's on the step below me. Making it so I'm looking him straight in the eyes. I pull him into a hug holding him tight.

"Thank you for not being an asshole and punching him back." I say pulling away from him to look at his face. His black eye is pretty much gone now and so are the breaks in his lip.

"I know that's not what you would have wanted." He says running his hands up and down the sides of my back.

"I really care about you Reagan."

"Mikey where are you man. We about to get in." Michael yells from inside.

"Go, I'll go change and then meet you outside okay ?" I say letting my arms fall from his neck. He nods and walks around to the back yard. I run into the house and change in a strapless bikini top with neon flowers and a plain black bottom. I decide to call Jessica and invite her over.

Brothers Best FriendOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz