A Little Too Much Fun.

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"Reagan- oh thank god you called. I've been going crazy! Are you okay ? Where are you-"

"Hi dad. I'm fine, I'm at Mikey's."

"Okay. Okay that's great. Listen sweetie I'm sorry for freaking out on you. I've just been feeling very alone lately, and stressed, but I know I shouldn't take that out on you kids. I'm sorry Reagan."

"Thank you dad but I also need to apologise.. I- I should have been more responsible and called. I'm 16, I should have called. So I'm sorry too."

"It's okay Reagan just come home please, we're having your favorite for dinner..!"

"I'll be home for dinner dad don't worry."

"Okay thank you, I love you."

"I love you too, I'll see you later, bye." I click then end button and set the phone. Mikey tightens his grip around my waist pulling me into his chest.

"You did good Rea.." I lean back into his feeling his warmth consume my body.

"Why don't we go do something fun?" He asks putting his head in the crock of my neck.

"Like what ?"

"Hmm.... Oh what about ice skating ?" My eyes light up and I feel giddy inside.

"Yes yes yes !" I squeal. He chuckles and scoops me up out of his lap.

"Then let's get going."

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We walk into the ice skating rink and its fairly empty. There are a few other couples and some solo skaters. When I see the ice skating rink I get so excited I can barely stand myself. I used to do ice skating back in Texas but I stopped when we moved to California because at first we could afford it but then I just lost interest. I was actually pretty good but I haven't skated in almost 7 years.

"You excited?" Mikey asks once he pays for us.

"Beyond excited !" I say with a smile from ear to ear. He laughs and kisses the top of my head.

"I'll go get the skates okay ?" He says releasing me. I nod and smile once more. He's so good to me... I don't know what I would be without him. I really don't care if we've only been together for 3 months. He's the best thing that's happened to me in a long ass time.

"Here you go." He says handing me my skates.

"Thank you!" He smiles and sits down on the bench next to me. We both put our skates on and head onto the ice. I was a little shaky at first but after awhile I got back into the swing of things. I start doing some twirls and jumps. Every time I finish a twirl Mikey cheers for me making me blush like crazy. Then we started to skate together hand in hand going remotely fast. We skate like this for a good 5 minutes until we decide to stop but instead of stoping the way you are supposed to, Mikey grabs me by the waist picking me up and we both fall gently sliding across the ice. Both of us breakout into laughter in each other's arms. By now most of the people have left so it's just Mikey and I and one other guy who is totally oblivious about what just happened.

"I-I can't breath that was s-s-so funny." Mikey says running his hand down his face.

"You are crazy. Did you know that?" I try to regain my breath as I talk.

"Crazy for you." He says giving me a kiss on the nose. I giggle and start to get back up, helping Mikey up while I'm at it.

"It's almost 5 and I need to drop you off at your house at 5:30 so we need to get going." Mikey says once back on his feet. I nod and we head back to the benches.

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"Mikey !" I yell standing in front of the full body mirror. I'm inspecting my outfit. It's a black and white striped t shirt dress that I have paired with some back wedges. Still no Mikey.

"Mikey come here please!" I yell once more. I fluff my hair around and pucker my lips. I sigh and walk out of Mikey's room and head down stairs to find Mikey and Tommy playing something on the Xbox.

"Hey Mikey I'm almost ready to leave but I need help with something up stairs really quick can you come help me?" I say leaning up against the wall. Mikey looks at me and drops the controller on the floor. He walks over to me and we walk back up stairs. Once in his room he sits down on the bed as I get my bag and stuff together.

"So what's up baby?" He asks.

"Okay I need you to be completely honest, how do I look. If I look like a hooker tell me please so I don't go home looking like a whore." Mikey looks at my dumb struck.

"Are you kidding me. You look fucking amazing! No you don't look like a hooker or a whore, you look perfect." He says grabbing my hand pulling me down into his lap. I grab his face and kiss him just the way he likes. He groans his sexy groan and my hands tangle themselves in his hair. His hands rest on my hips keeping me close to him. He moves his kisses down into my neck making me moan. The things his boy does to me I will never understand. He continues to kiss all around my neck until he finds my sweet spot, right behind my ear. He sucks a little on it and runs his tongue along it gently.

"Mikey..." I moan. I can feel his smile on my neck as his lips linger there.

"You. Are. Perfect." He says in between the kisses his plants on my lips. I move my lips up to his ear and nibble on his ear lob before I whisper,

," your too good to me baby." Then I kiss the side of his face one last time. I feel his nice little friend stiffen against my thigh.

"The things you fuckin do to me Reagan Darnell..." He mummers as I stand up and giggle.

"You love me for it though!" I say as I pick up my bag off the floor.

"Yes I love you because you make me pop boners." He says sarcastically. I laugh hysterically as he stands up and walks towards the door.

"Alright come on I don't want you to be late." Mikey says taking my bag so I don't have to carry it and slings his arms around my shoulder. I smile up at him as we walk down the stairs and he smiles back down at me. There my heart goes, fluttering away at his simple actions. The way he looks at me, his touch, his eyes, his everything. He makes me feel so fuzzy inside, and I like it a lot.

------- ---------A.N-------- --------

Hey guys! Yes another chapter for y'all ! I hope you enjoyed this chapter I really really did! I have some very big plans for #Migan and I'm really excited about it ^.^ Don't forgot to leave a comment telling me if you did or didn't like this chapter. Also leave a vote because it helps me a TON! And by the way THANK YOU SO MUCH ! The first few chapters now have over a hundred reads! THATS CRAZY !! Thank you guys sooo much! Love you guys<3

Happy reading !

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