All Comes Crashing Down.

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***2 weeks later***

"Hey Reagan ?" Michael yells from his room.

"Yeah Michael what's up ?" I yell back as I walk up the stairs a little.

"Can you come up here ?" I walk up the stairs to his room and open the door. He is sitting in a chair by his window with his phone in his hand. I smile and sit down on his bed.

"What's up ?"

"Well... I was thinking we could have a small little tiny get-together this weekend while dad was away with Shaun looking at collages ?" He says with a weak smile on his face.

"No, no, no. A small get-together turns into a big party in practically two seconds and parties involve drinking and you can't have any kind of alcoholic drink for another three weeks." Michael's smile fades and turns into a frown.

"Aw come on Reagan ! Have a little fun please ..?"

"No plus I have plans to hang out with Mikey over at his house later tonight anyways." He huffs and nods.

"Okay.." I stay for a few more seconds before getting up and walking towards my room to get ready. Once in my room I walk straight towards my closet and pick out a a grey tee-shirt and pair it with black Adidas leggings along with white vans. I brush my hair out and spray some of my perfume on before checking my phone. 7:30. Perfect. I hear two honks and pause. That's weird he always comes to the door. I shrug run down the stairs and I pull the door open to see Mikey sitting in his car smiling. I smile and pull the door shut. I walk towards his car and hop in. He kisses me on the cheek as I put my seat belt on. I giggle and run my hand through my hair as he starts to drive away.

"So I was thinking just hang out and watch movies ? Just chilling you and me." He says glancing at me with a smile.

"Anything with you sounds great!" I say and turn the radio on.

------ ------- ------ ------ ------ ------

"Reagan !" Mikey's moms voice chirps as we walk into the house. I smile as she pulls me into a hug. She pulls away and smiles the most genuine smile I've every seen.

"Oh honey you look so pretty!" She says clapping her hands together.

"Thank you." She smiles once more before Mikey pipes in.

"Mom she's not wearing anything special chill." My mouth falls open as he grabs my hand and leads me up stairs to his room. He pulls me onto his bed so that I'm laying on top of him with my head resting on his chest. He runs his hands up and down my sides making me close my eyes.

"I've missed you baby.." He says quietly with a husky tone.

"I just saw you two days ago baby."

"I know but I've missed my girl." He says then kissing my nose lightly. He lifts my chin and kisses me gently. My hands move up to his hair but he moves away and pulls away.

"I did my hair today baby." He says. I'm completely confused at that. He always loves it when I play with his hair. I blow it off though.

"Sorry." I say before he kisses me again. He hands start to travel down my back again but they go farther than they usually do until they are on my ass. I jump when he starts to squeeze. I pull away and sit up.

"What is with you today !" I say moving off him.

"Nothing baby I'm sorry, come back." He says trying to pull me back. I stand up off the bed and cross my arms over my chest.

"No ! First you don't come to the door to get me or open the door for me, then your mom gives me a complement and you say I'm not wearing anything special either though you've told me so many times you love it when I wear leggings, and then you won't let me play with your hair, and last you grope my ass! This is not you Mikey !" He gets up and walks towards the bathroom. I huff and sit on the bed. I hear his phone go off and I glance over. It's a text message. I go over and read it.

Monica-- Hey Mikey last night was so much fun! Maybe we could have a little more .fun next time ;) ?Call me sexy !

My heart drops when I read that. Mikey opens the bathroom door and the tears go spilling down my cheeks.


"Reagan baby it's not what looks like-"


"Reagan baby no-" I turn around to face him when I piece all the pictures together.

"Th-that's why you've b-be-been acting so weird isn't it ?" I sputter.


"She can give you sex and I can't.." I say quietly as I look down at the floor. I feel my tears run down my cheeks. I'm so fucking stupid. I run down the stairs not even turning around when I hear Mikey or his mom calling after me. I hear his mom yelling at his as I run down the street tears streaming down my cheeks.

------ ------- ------ ------- -------- ------

"Reagan?" Melanie's voice thankfully rings though my phone.

"Hi.. I need you to come pick me up." I sniff.

"I'm on my way."

Twenty minutes later her car pulls up in the middle of the street. I stand up off the curb and get in her car. I sit down in her car and start crying.

"Reagan.. Do I even want to ask what he did..?" She asks quiet handing me a tissue. I shake my head and continue to cry. She starts to drive as I sob my eyes out.

------- ---------A.N-------- --------

Hey guys! I know this chapter was a sad one :(((. But I though it would be a good plot twist. This chapter was really hard for me to write honestly but I really like how it turned out. Don't forget to comment what you think will happen next chapter and vote. Love you guys !

Happy reading <3

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