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At 7 o'clock sharp I hear three knocks on the front door. I shoot up from the couch and rush over. I open to door to see Mikey standing on the front porch holding flowers in front of him. I break out into a smile when I see him. He looks good, as always, he's wearing some simple blue jeans with white v neck and Diamond CO SnapBack on backwards.

"Hi." I say quietly smiling at him like an idiot. He chuckles and hands me the flowers.

"Hi gorgeous." He gives me a small peck on the cheek which makes me blush. I set the flowers on a table near the front door before heading out with him. He takes my hand as we walk to his car swinging it back and forth like a little kid.

"You look amazing tonight Reagan." He says turning his head towards me.

"Thank you," I'm wearing high waisted jean shorts with a black cropped shirt. I have a red and blue flannel on as well with my Chuck Taylor's .

", you also look very nice." I say getting another smile out of him.

"Thank you." He walks to my side of the car and opens the door for me like the gentleman he is. Then once I'm in the car he shuts the door for me before waking over to his side and getting in. He starts the car but before he starts driving he hands me a blind fold. I give him a strange look and he laughs.

"I want it to be a surprise!"

"Pinky Promise you won't take me to some back ally way and kill me ?" I say smirking with my pinky out. He wraps his pinky around mine and smiles.

"I pinky promise." So I take the blind fold and put it on. I feel his hand take mine and lock our fingers together. He gives my hand a little squeeze as he starts to drive.

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After what feels like forever, Mikey's car finally comes to a stop.

"Okay are you ready ?" He asks.

"Beyond ready!" I squeal which makes him chuckle.

"I'm going to get out so I can come over to help you out okay?" I nod and hear his car door open then shut. Then I hear my door open. I feel him reach across me and unbuckle my seat belt before scooping me up into his arms and pulling me out of the car. I lean my head on his chest and breath in his cologne. Home. Home is what is smells like.

"Okay I'm going to set you down." Which is what he does but he keeps his arms wrapped around my waist to keep me from falling.

"On three you can take your blind fold off ready ?" I nod



"Three!" I pull the blind fold up and off my head. I gasp at the sight around me. We are in the middle on a clearing in the forest but Mikey has lights strung throughout the trees. There are two couchy things and a bunch of pillows laying around. Then there is a white sheet set up with pictures of us being projected onto it. Finally there's a huge bowl of popcorn and a cooler. I turn around to face Mikey and smile at him. I can feel the tears welling up on my water line.

"Baby girl don't cry..." He says wiping away a few of the tears taking my face in his hands.

"I'm sorry I don't mean to its just... No has ever done anything this special for me before." I say looking up at him.

"Well you deserve this, you deserve the best okay ? All those other guys you've dated clearly couldn't see how much you deserve this because you are amazing baby." After he says that I can't hold back anymore, I kiss him. With every ounce of passion in my body. He doesn't hesitate for a single second, he just kisses me right back. I wrap my arms around his neck as his around on the small of my back. After a minutes or two I feel his tongue glide along my bottom lip so I open my mouth and let it in. He sure does know how to use the tongue because damn. While he does that my hands brush along the bottom of his hair because his hats in the way. One of his hands moves off my back and onto his head. He takes his hat off his head and puts it into mine. I smile and continue to kiss him while my hands comb through his hair pulling gently at the ends. I hear him moan when I do that so I continue until he pulls away.

"God I've missed that so fucking much.." He says breathlessly resting his forehead on mine. Both of us are breathing heavily as we stand here in each others arms. He kisses me one last time nice and gently before releasing my waist and grabbing my hand.

"So which movie do you want to watch first?" he asks sitting down on one of the couchy things. I sit down on his lap and shrug.

"Which movies do you have?"

Finally we both decide on Kong Fu Panda after a long debate. I move so that I can snuggle up with him under the blanket. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him, resting his head on top of mine.

"I've missed this." He mutters onto my head

"Yeah... Me too." I say quietly with my eyes glued to the screen. From then on we are both very invested into the movie not saying another word. After a little while I feel my eyes start to get heavy and soon enough they shut. I love falling asleep next to Mikey, I love his cologne, I love the way he treats me like a queen, I love the way he looks at me, and the way he talks to me, and the way he kisses me.

I love Mikey.

------- ---------A.N-------- --------

Hey guys! I hope you loved this chapter because girl I freakin did ! AHHHH!! She loves him again!!! I'm super error happy with the way this chapter turned out and I hope you did too. A new chapter will be on the way very soon, don't worry. But please leave a vote and comment if you enjoyed. I love you guys sooo much!

Happy reading

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