Only For You.

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"Okay everyone head outside so we can get a picture !" Mrs. Marrero says after cleaning up all the empty plates. Everyone groans and sits back in their chairs.

"Come on! Up all of you ! Before the sun goes down!" Everyone gets up and sluggishly walks towards the backyard. We all stands in a semi circle facing the camera that is on a tripod. I'm standing with Mikey on my left and Mikey's mother on my right. Mikey's uncle clicks the bottom and then runs back to the group.


The flash blinds all of us for a split second before it fades.

------ --------- ------- ---------- -------

"So Mikey who's this lovely lady you have with you tonight?" Mikey's aunt says sitting down on the patio couch in front of us. He chuckles and glances at me.

"This is my wonderful girlfriend, Reagan Darnell." He says resting his head on mine. Mikey's mom takes a picture of us and then heads back inside as we all laugh.

"Hi." I say smiling.

"It's so nice to meet you! Mikey's always talking about you and how amazing you are." She says grinning at Mikey who is now a light shade of pink.

"Aw how sweet." I say beaming.

"I only say it because it's true." Mikey adds. His aunt giggles,

"You two are just too cute!" I smile and snuggle myself into Mikey's chest more inhaling his sent. He places his around my waist loosely while his head rest on my head.

"SANDRA GET THE CAMERA!" His aunt yells. Mikey's mother appears right away with her camera in her hands.

"You two are just too much!" She gushes taking pictures.

"Mama..." Mikey whines.

"Oh hush!" She snaps while continuing to take pictures.

------- ------- ------ -------- ------- -----

After a while Mikey drops me off at my house. I get out and start walking towards the front door, so does Mikey. I stop when I'm at the front door and turn back to Mikey. He wraps his arms around my waists tightly pulling me closer to him while my arms lay loosely around his neck.

"Thank you. Tonight's been beyond amazing." I mutter into his chest.

"No babe thank you. You had to put up with my crazy family." He says lifting my chin up so I'm looking into his warm brown eyes. I feel so warm and safe in his arms, like I never want to leave. I could get lost in his eyes for hours just staring into them, exploring every crevice. Mikey places his lips on mine gently erupting butterflies in my stomach. The kiss becomes more passionate when I feel Mikey bite my lower lip gently. I let out a small moan as my hands tousle with his hair. Mikey's hands go from my waist to my thighs and before I know it rubbing little circles. I pull away and rest my head on his chest. He doesn't say anything he just rest his head on top of mine.

"Goodnight Mikey." I whisper into his chest before I pull away and push the front door open.

"So how'd it go?" Were the first words out of Michaels mouth when I walked into the house.

"Good." I say walking towards the kitchen.

"Just good?" I nod and pour myself some water.

"Did something happen? Anything crazy? Anything weird, spontaneous. Oh and-"He asks

"No it was fine. Can you stop interrogating me about it?" I snap. He huffs and walks away. I decide to go up stairs to my room and chill out. I end up falling asleep to cup cake wars on Netflix.

-------- --------- -------- -------- -------

I wake up to the sound of my ringtone blaring in my ear. I groan and sit up.

"Hello?" I answer running my hand through my hair.

"Good morning sunshine!" My dads chirpy tone sings.

"Good morning daddy." I say smiling.

"Sorry if I woke you up I just wanted to tell you that I'm out looking for Michael. He was gone when I woke up this morning and wouldn't answer his calls or texts. I think Mikey is coming over in a little while so go get something to eat okay ?" I sigh this wasn't the first time Michael had run away. He'd done it about 5 times since we've moved in so I pretty much know the drill.

"Okay call me if you find him,love you."

"Love you too sweetheart bye." The line went dead. I flop back on my bed messing around on my phone. I scroll through Instagram and Twitter until I hear a knock on my door.

"Come on in." I say and Mikey's face appears in my doorway grinning.

"Good morning beautiful." He says coming over to the bed and planting a gentle kiss on my lips. I smile as I pull away and move over a little to make room for Mikey. He's wearing Adidas joggers with a plain black shirt.

"How are you feeling ?" He asks as he pulls me onto his lap. I shrug and rest my head against his chest wrapping my legs around his torso. He doesn't protest only places his head on top on mine while resting his hands on the small of my back. We sit like this for a long time enjoying the silence and each other's company.

"You want breakfast?" Mikey asks breaking the silence. I shake my head.

"I'm not that hungry." I say simply. He nods placing his head back on mine. The warmth of his body and the smell of him make me feel so relaxed. It feels so homey and safe. I feel my eye lids start to get heavier until are completely shut.

------- ------- ----- -------- ------ -------

"Reagan baby wake up." Someone whispers in my ear. Their breath hot on my neck making my eyes flash open. Mikey is laying on top of me smirking like an idiot.

"Hi." I say sheepishly.

"Hi." He grins down at me making me blush.

"What time is it?" I ask running my heads through his hair.

"Around 2 I think you passed out at 10 and have been asleep since."

"Has my dad called ?" I ask even though I knew the answer.

"No.." I sigh rest my head on the bed and squeezing my eyes shut trying to hold back the tears.

"Hey, hey look at me. Everything is going to be fine alright ?" Mikey says rubbing his hand down the side of my face. I smiled weakly.

"I'm just tired of him running from his problems. I wish he's just cut the crap and man up you know?" I say rolling over and out of the bed.

"It gets so aggravating to have him just get up and disappear for a day and then just come back like nothing ever happened." I walk over to my closet and grab a t-shirt and a pair of black high waisted short.

"Jesus I wish he'd talk to me. Sometimes it's like living with rocks. No one ever wants to talk about their problems," as I talk I pull my shirt up and over my head slipping my shorts and shirt on.

", it's so... Frustrating!" I say turning around to Mikey. He is resting his head up against the headboard of my bed as he smirks.

"Oh get over yourself I was turned around." I say walking toward the door of my room.

"I still had a wonderful view." He whispers into the crook of my neck. I slap his arm and run down the stairs. The second I run down the last step the front doors opens.

"Reagan we need to go now." My dad says with a sad look on his face.

------- ---------A.N-------- --------

Hey guys I hoped you liked this chapter! Sorry I left you guys kinda on a cliff hanger but I thought it was the right way to end the chapter. I really enjoyed writing the romantic sweet moments Reagan and Mikey had in this chapter. Tell me in the comments if you guys like romantic or heated scenes. Don't forget to leave a comment with suggestions and vote.

Happy reading <3

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