New Times.

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"REAGAN COME ON !" My dad yells from down stairs. I take one last check in the mirror. I'm wearing a pair on white shorts with a floral blouse and white sandals. As I head down stairs I grab my phone and a jacket.

"Sorry sorry I just don't want to put out a bad image for myself you know." I say flipping a few of my curls over my shoulder. Michael, Patrick, Shaun, and my dad all laugh and walk towards the door.

"Your not the one going off to college so how can you "put out a bad image"."
Shaun says as we walk to the car.

"Well I plan to also attend the University of California so I don't want to look like crap walking around my future campus." They all laugh again and I just smile. It's crazy that Shaun is already going off to college. I can't believe how old he's gotten and how much he's grown. It feels like just yesterday he was taking care of me and Michael.. Oh how time flies.

------ -------- -------- ------- ------ ------

After a few hours of driving we finally arrive at Cali. University. The campus is breathtaking; the buildings are gorgeous with their spectacular architects work. I really hope I get into this school.

"Reagan come on quite day dreaming we have unpacking to do." Michael yells from behind me. I sigh and head back towards my family.

"Okay let's start moving some boxes." So we do, we move about 30 boxes up into his campus dorm. It's a fairly nice dorm, he has a small kitchen area and a bathroom connected to his room. There are two beds because he has a roommate and two desks.

"Hey we are going to go get Shaun's class schedules so we'll be back in a little bit okay ?" I nod as they all leave the dorm leaving me alone. I sit down on Shaun's bed and take my phone out going on Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat; the usual things. Then the door opens and a tall guy with dark hair walks in. He's pretty attractive, he has gorgeous grey eyes that go nicely with his dark hair which is short but not a buzz cut. He's wearing a white v neck with dark blue pants and white vans.

"Shaun ...?" He sad in a deep musky voice. I laugh a little and shake my head.

"No that's my brother, he's off getting his schedule, I'm his sister Reagan."

"Oh.. Okay that makes a lot more sense." He says scratching the back of his neck.

"Well I'm Reece, your brothers roommate." He says sticking his hand out. I shake his hand and smile.

"Nice to meet you."

"As to you, so are your going here this fall." He says sitting down on his bed.

"Oh I wish! I'm going to be a senior in high school next year." I say pushing a few strands of hair behind my ear. He looks shocked at my statement.

"Damn .. I thought you were a college girl. You sure do look like one." He says smiling. I blush and look down at my hands in my lap.

"-yeah I'm excited. Oh. Hi you must be Reece my roommate." Shaun says walking back in with my dad and Patrick. They shake hands and chat a little.

"So I'm guessing you met my sister Reagan." Shaun says smiling at me.

"Yeah I did, she's a very...nice girl." Reece says smirking in my direction. My dad sends me a confused look and I shrug.

"Well we better get going, it was nice to meet you Reece." My dad says quickly walking towards the door.

"Nice to meet you too Mr. Darnell." He says walking towards the door with us. We all walk down the stairs and out of the dorm rooms and towards our cars. Reece sends me one last smirk with a wink before he gets in his car making me feel uncomfortable. I quickly get in the car and buckle my seat belt.

"What the hell was that guy about Reagan !" My dad says once he gets in the car.

"I don't know ! He walked in and thought I was Shaun and so I explained that I was his sister then he asked if I was going to school here and I said no I'm going to be a senior in high school and he said," Damn.. I though your were a college girl. You sure do look like one." And then you guys came back and he got all smirky and winky and creepy." My dad has a stern look on his face as he drives. None of us say anything because we all know not to interrupt him when he's thinking.

"Okay... Okay well you won't be seeing him for a long time so it's okay. I trust you that nothing happened but when we come back to drop your brother off in a few weeks I don't want you around him alone you hear me ?" He looks at me sternly through the mirror. I nod and he refocuses his attention to the road. After that my phone buzzes.

Mikey ;))-- hey Rea are you free today ?

Reagan-- um yeah I think I'm driving back home right now from helping Shaun unpack his dorm, what do you have in mind?

Mikey ;))-- it's a secret for me to know and for you to find out ;)

Reagan-- Mikeyyyyy :-(

Mikey ;))-- ...

Reagan-- :((((((

Reagan-- :-( plz

Reagan-- come on :-(((((


Mikey ;))-- ;) okay it's a picnic at a secret location.

Reagan-- sounds lovely :) what do I wear ?

Mikey ;))-- anything you want beautiful <3

Reagan-- okay ;)

Mikey ;))-- plz hurry I want to see you <3

Reagan-- I'll be there soon don't worry :) <3

------- ---------A.N-------- --------

Hey guys ! SOOO a new chapter! Kinda a filler but I had fun writing it. The new character Reece is... Interesting. What do you guys think of him? Leave a comment. Anyways I hope you guys liked this chapter. Please leave a vote! Helps me a lot ! Love you guys<3

Happy reading

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