Chapter 11

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"The storm is here," Annabel said as thunder rolled above them and rain started to hit the windows. "I think you should just stay here for the night."

"That sounds great to me," Jess smiled softly.

"You can pick any room you want," Annabel said as she stood. "I'm just going to head to bed and try to sleep through this. Storms always make me nervous."

"Yeah me too," Jess nodded as she stood as well. "It's times like this that I really miss them, they always made me fee safe."

"We are still with you," Kota said as he watched her head towards his room.

"We will keep both of you safe from the storm," Marc said as they watched Annabel walk around and check the locks on the doors and windows.

Annabel headed up to her room and turned on the TV. She headed to the closet and changed into some pajamas then got in bed. She picked up one of the journals and started to read about mundane things that were written but she found it highly interesting.

She picked up another journal and started reading about them hiding a few people in the different rooms while Sean patched them up and helped them recover from attacks from the KKK. It made her sick reading about the various things they witnessed over the years.

"Today we were able to watch three dear friends have a binding ceremony and commit to each other," She read from the journal, "It brought back memories of when we made the commitments to each other. It was fascinating to watch and gave us some ideas for when we find the queen that will be able to handle and love all of us. We already have the ring for her but we still need to find her. We only hope that we will find her after these dark times that way we can focus on showering her with our love and not worrying over her safety all the time." She shut the journal and placed it back on the nightstand, "To be shown that kind of love would have been amazing to experience." She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

"We wish we could have shown you," Brandon said as he watched her sleep.

"We can still show her some love by watching over her," North said as he looked out the window. "It is storming pretty bad out there."

"The girls will be safe," Owen said as he looked down at the journals. "We will make sure the power doesn't quit during the storm."

"How do you think she is going to react when she reads Mom's journal?" Kota asked nervously.

"She is going to fucking cry of course," Gabe glared. "I don't want her reading it. I don't want to see her cry over us again."

"She's going to read it," Nathan said, "She's a historian after all. She will want to know all the details."

"But she's going to cry," Luke pouted. "I don't want her to be sad over us."

"She will cry," North nodded, "But then maybe she will take that hurt and turn it into something else. Maybe she will try and get justice for us after all these years."

"Do you think it's possible?" Corey asked.

"Who knows," North shrugged, "look how much the world has changed already. It could be possible."

"That would be something," Brandon nodded.

Annabel tossed and turned during the night as the storm raged. Just as the thunder hit above the house and shook the windows she sat up and looked around frantically. Lighting lit up her room and she gasped when she thought she saw someone sitting in the chair across from her bed. She turned on the lamp on the nightstand and sighed in relief when there was no one there. "Must be the lightening playing tricks on me," She whispered as she turned the TV back on and found the music channel. "Maybe this will help calm me," She murmured as she tried to get comfortable again.

"You have to be careful!" North growled at Luke. "She is already scared as it is."

"I'm sorry," Luke whispered back. "I'll be more careful."

"Yeah, you ninja," Raven growled. "Be ninja."

Annabel yawned and scooted under the comforter some more. Just as she slipped into a deep sleep, she found herself dreaming. She was standing in front of the mansion but the sun was setting and the lights were on. She saw movement inside so she climbed the porch stairs and opened the door. "Oh Darling you are home," A man with grey eyes said as he stepped off the last stair and took her jacket from her. "How was work?"

"Good," She said softly trying to put the pieces to together on what was going on.

"Oy, dinner is ready!" A man wearing an orange shirt called out as he came out of the kitchen, "Hey Trouble, hope you are fucking hungry, come on," he kissed her cheek and the two men led her into the dining room.

"Hey you are home Beautiful," A man with two different colored eyes smiled as he kissed her cheek then went back to setting plates.

It dawned on her then that she was dreaming of the Blackbourne Toma team and what she imagined a nightly routine would have been for them if she was with them. For the first time in a very long time she didn't have trouble sleeping, even with a severe thunderstorm brewing around her.

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