Chapter 28

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Darkness surrounded her as she peered down into the box. "Are you freaking serious?" She sighed in frustration. "Look I know you don't want me to see whatever is in this box, just like you never let me see what is in the envelope but," She sighed as she pressed her fingertips into her temples and sighed again, "I'm going to find out one way or another so you might as well just go ahead and let me see." She slapped the table a little and groaned, "And by the way this little disappearing act you've been pulling is kind of bullshit also. You only show up when you don't want me to see something but you have disappeared these past few weeks. Yeah that's bullshit, you seriously had me questioning my sanity over it so yeah, fuck off, turn the lights back on and let me see what the fuck is going on since my life is being threatened by this asshole. I can't go check the cameras with this little stunt of yours and I have the right to know what is happening right now."

The lights came back on and she rolled her eyes as she got up and headed to the laptop. "Figures," She sighed as she leaned back into the chair and closed her eyes as she tried to calm down from seeing the footage shutting down moments after watching someone walking around and pulling a knife out of their pocket. If she were to go look she would bet the wires to the cameras were cut. This guy was someone serious and powerful if he is going to this length to try and intimidate her.

"She can't see what's in that box," North growled as he watched her. "She is going to lose it."

"She has a point though," Kota shrugged, "She has a right to know what is going on. Maybe we shouldn't have hidden that envelope from her and Jessica."

"She doesn't need that kind of stress," Sean shook his head. "She will panic over every little noise."

"You heard that guy," Nathan sighed, "her life is already being threatened. We can only protect her and Jess while they are in this house. What if they need to start being on alert when they leave here? I mean they can't stay in the house forever, eventually they will have to leave. They need to be cautious, and that means they need to see the envelope and what's in the box."

"She is going to lose it when she opens them," North growled. "I mean she only read Momma's journal and it devasted her. She won't be able to cope with that shit!" He pointed to the box. "Do you really want to do that to her?"

"We have no choice," Owen said as he held the envelope on above of the box. "Nathan is right North. This guy is dangerous and they need to be careful. All we can do is start storing our energy and be there for her when she cries herself to sleep." He dropped the envelope and they watched as she opened her eyes to see what the noise was.

Annabel heard a whoosh and soft thud and opened her eyes. She headed back over to the table and softly gasped, there was the missing envelope sitting on top of the box. She picked it up and opened it. Gasping as she sat down she pulled out various newspaper articles on the deaths of the Blackbourne Toma group and then a typed paper that said in large letters STOP RESTORING THE MANSION OF TRAITORS OR THE SAME THING WILL HAPPEN TO YOU.

She sat the papers down and opened the box. She brought her hands to her mouth as her breath hitched as she stood and took a few steps away from the package. She shook her head softly and wiped a tear that slid down her face. She didn't see what she saw, she saw wrong. She cleared her throat and wiped her face again then walked back over to the box. Taking a deep breath she looked down and whimpered as she pulled out a handful of polaroid pictures. She bit her lip as she pulled out more and more pictures. She couldn't look at them right now after seeing the first ones she took out of the box. The images were too disturbing to look at again.

"Oh no," She sobbed as she saw a dark orange piece of fabric, a black piece of fabric, and a baby blue piece of fabric. She started to reach out and touch them when she heard a car pull up in the driveway. "Shit," she gasped as she started to throw the pictures and envelope into the box.

"Hey Girl," Jessica called out as she started to walk into the house. "Hey what do you have there?"

"Don't," Annabel said curtly as she shut the box and held it closed tightly. She cleared her throat when she saw Jess' shocked face. "You don't want to see what's in here Jessica," Annabel said somewhat forcefully. "Please just trust me, you DON'T want to see this."

"Oh okay," Jessica said nodding her head. "Um, so yeah, I think the interview went well. I should hear back from them in a couple of days if things go well."

"That's great," Annabel smiled. "I'm going to go put this up and then I think this great news calls for us going out to celebrate."

"That sounds great," Jess said as she headed up the stairs, "I'll go change."

Annabel sighed and groaned. Jessica definitely did not need those images in her head, as it was Annabel was dreading looking again but she knew she would have to eventually.

"Yo, are you ready?" Jessica called out and Annabel picked up the box and rushed to her room. "I almost am, how does Chinese sound?"

"Sounds great," Annabel called out as she shoved the box into her closet. "It will be nice getting out of the house for a bit." She definitely needed to get her mind to focus on something else for a bit.

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