Chapter 44

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"Hey, feel like going for a drive with me?" Jessica asked as she walked into the basement where Annabel was doing laundry.

"Sure, where are we going?" Annabel asked curiously as she started the dryer and grabbed the clothes basket. She started up the stairs after Jessica. Jessica headed to Annabel's room and watched as she started putting away her clothes carefully. She could tell she was still sore but the bruises were now gone and if you didn't know you wouldn't be able to tell that she was in a very serious accident.

"It's their anniversary," Jessica admitted softly, "I go visit their sites every year."

"Oh," Annabel whispered as she hung up her shirt. "Why do you go to their sites if it's their anniversary? I understand their death day but their love day?"

"It's the last places they were," Jessica shrugged, "that and I couldn't be here before. It was too overwhelming and depressing. I go to their sites then the mausoleum because that's where they are together. Morbid I know but it's the only place where I could be with them. It's different now but still."

"No," Annabel shook her head, "I get it. Let's go."

"Don't forget the ring," Jessica smiled, "I want to know if they have anything to say."

"Oh you know they will," Annabel shook her head. "Grab it for me while I finish putting these away."

"I am going to go put some roses in Owen's office then I'll be ready to leave," Jessica said and Annabel nodded. She took a deep breath and slowly let it out. She was anxious to see what the guys would say during this trip.

They went to the burned down church and Jessica laid down roses where Nathan, Brandon, and Victor died inside of the church. Annabel then showed her where Axel, Marc, Kota, and Silas were just outside of the church. The crash site was hard also. She could still see parts of her car against the tree and on the ground and it just brought up the images that she saw in the pictures in her mind. She held Jessica's hand while they laid the roses down.

"Wouldn't it be neat if we were able to find bullets that would connect to Raven's guns?" Annabel asked softly as she looked at the trees surrounding them.

"Raven never would have missed," Jessica shook her head. "He was a Professional Russian after all."

"True," Annabel agreed, "but still."

"Yeah," Jessica nodded sadly. "Well, only one more place to go."

Jessica took a deep breath as they walked up to a large tree. If Annabel didn't know any better she would have thought the tree was beautiful. The leaves were starting to change colors and the branches were long and thick. Any other time and they would be perfect to climb and sit in the branches. They were thick enough that she could actually see herself laying on the branches and read a book. But despite the beauty of the tree it churned her stomach knowing the history of it. It was one of those times that looks were deceiving.

"Do you know?" Jessica asked as she laid some roses against the tree trunk.

Annabel nodded and pointed, "North," She pointed and cleared her throat, "Gabriel," cleared her throat again, "Lucian," She pointed closer to the trunk.

"So Gabe was in the middle," Jessica nodded and wiped a tear, "At least he was surrounded by love."

"We never feared it," North shook his head. "We knew the risks and they were worth it."

"North said they weren't scared," Annabel sniffled, "It was worth the risks they took."

"Of course they weren't," Jessica smiled. "They were always thinking of everyone else."

"Go behind the tree Cupcake," Luke said hoarsely.

"No Lucian," North growled.

"Fucking do it Trouble," Gabe nodded. "Follow me."

"Not yet Gabriel," North shook his head.

"It's time North," Luke nodded and followed Gabe. "Come on Cupcake."

"Luke and Gabe want us to follow them," Annabel said taking Jessica's hand, "North doesn't."

"Oh shit," Jessica said shocked, "must be serious then."

They followed Luke and Gabe behind the tree and stopped a few feet behind it. "You need to dig here," Luke said pointing to where a slight mound was.

"Do you still have that shovel in your car?" Annabel asked and Jessica nodded, "Go get it."

Jessica rushed to her car and came back, Annabel took it from her and began digging. "What are you doing?" Jessica asked confused.

"Luke said to dig here," Annabel said, "So I am digging."

"And if something is there, how do we explain that?" Jessica asked.

"I don't know," Annabel continued digging, "Bring up the Elva Shue case?"

"I doubt that will work but we could try," Jessica nodded, "Let's just see if there is anything there first."

Just then the shovel made a thud, the girls looked at one another in shock.

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