Chapter 22

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(Warning, this chapter contains retelling of violent deaths. Reader discretion is advised.)

"I got the call today. The call I never wanted to receive but knew there was a good chance I would get. Gabriel, North, and Luke never came home last night. I know I shouldn't be worried, but I can't help but wonder. I hope they aren't hurt but it just seems too coincidental that they don't come home and the next morning three people are found dead in the woods. The boys must be worried sick, and yet Nathan, Brandon, and Victor are still going to be attending a meeting at a church today. Something just doesn't feel right about the whole thing. I feel like something is coming and I don't know how to be prepared for it." – May 12, 1972

"I knew something was gonna happen, but I didn't know how bad it was gonna be. I went to the church to meet up with Kota and the others. He said he would be there after he dealt with some business. When I got there, it was nothing but ash and rubble, so I asked someone what had happened. There was a fire. Someone had set a bomb when the meeting started. I showed people the picture of the boys I kept in my purse. A woman identified Nathan as the man that saved her from the fire. Another woman Identified Victor and Brandon as the men who saved her son and daughters. I sped to the hospital to find them. Why did they have to be so strong for others? They walked me down to the morgue and had me identify the bodies. I walked out to the phone to call Owen, and as I did, they wheeled in Silas. I ran back inside to see. It felt so surreal. Axel and Marc were brought in after. A nurse told me there was another patient who was found at the scene, so I ran up the stairs to the ICU. My poor baby. He was unresponsive and in critical condition. They had stabilized his vitals, but he had no brain activity. I knew he was dead, but my heart couldn't let go. It still can't. I still feel like I could call the house and Luke would answer the phone and hand it to Kota. I keep thinking he's gonna walk through the door and pick up Jessica as he walks into the kitchen. Oh God, how am I going to tell her about her brothers? 7:53pm. I love you, Dakota." – May 13, 1972

"This is it. They're all gone. Owen called me last night and told me to come to the house today. I thought it was just to get some stuff for Max but... the officer walked up to me on the doorstep. He told me they found another group of bodies. They said they thought one of them was Sean, but they needed someone to identify the rest. I asked what happened and they said it looked like a car accident. It was Sean, Raven, and Corey. They asked if I could identify one more body... it was Owen. They wouldn't tell me what happened, but they said he had died earlier today. All of my boys are gone..." – May 16, 1972

"I found out that everything of theirs was left to Jessica and I. it doesn't make anything better, but at least Jessica will have more to remember them by than faint childhood memories. I'm going to go over there to clean up a bit and get the rest of Max's things. I might get some of Kota's things, but I don't know yet.

I can't believe all this happened. I knew something was going to happen from the way Owen was talking to me and warning me but this... this is just too much... I need to write it all down while everything is still fresh in my mind and the pain hasn't completely consumed me yet. They never deserved this; I just pray one day justice will be served because I know right now it won't happen. As the sole inheritor of the mansion, I've chosen to lock it up and preserve it until I have the chance to find justice for my sons. This journal is my testimony of what I know about their deaths and the reasons behind them. Luke, Gabe, and North were murdered. I identified their bodies by their rings today. I have them all except for Owens. I asked for it and they said that he didn't have the ring on when he was found. I know that he was murdered even though it was pronounced an accident. They were all murdered. I know it in my soul. I have searched the whole house and Owen's ring isn't there. He wouldn't leave it anywhere else. It was taken. I know Raven's car was ran off the road. I know my boys were targeted, and I know that Owen sought vengeance. He probably died trying to achieve his goal. I will get justice for my sons, or I will die trying." – May 19, 1972

Annabel closed the book, got into bed, and burst into tears.

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