Chapter 4: A Day at the Beach.

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Lucinda and Ashter are seen walking on the beach, the two holding their hands as many stare at the two, some ridiculing, some annoyed, some a bit admirable of the two, or some admiring only Lucinda, for long orange hair and beautiful skin, not even seeing Ashter as if just a dog. The two continue to walk as Ashter sighs, alerting Lucinda as she turns to him,

"What is it this time? You always sigh when we're out in public." Lucinda wonders as Ashter does it again,

"We're being watched again." Ashter answers as Lucinda smirks, coming up with an idea,

"What's so bad about that?" She wonders as Ashter shrugs,

"I... I don't know, it's just-" Ashter was paused as Lucinda trails his cheek as she uses her other hand, trailing Ashter's chest area which makes him turn red like crazy,

"C'mon... Don't let them get to you... It doesn't suit you." Lucinda says as Ashter was going crazy with emotions,

"W-Well... I-IT'S JUST..." Ashter was flustered. It has been a while when he was touched like this, it felt, off.

Ashter then hears many others. They either laugh, stare, or talk differently about the two. Lucinda can hear them too, as the situation became more or so less weird to them.

"See? You just need to show your love and care. People think badly about you werewolves and some here seem to be foreign to them." Lucinda says as Ashter looks away, blushing as his ears perk down in embarrassment. Lucinda smiles however, holding his hand,

"We haven't been together for a whole year. You are different, I get it, but we can't heal if you can't face what we fear the most and conquer it." Lucinda's eyes glow green, her patterns appear before him.

"That also means getting used to this magic. I heard and saw the firepower behind it. Maybe I can use it too." Lucinda then asks in a teasing tone,

"Unless you want to help...?" She says as people giggle as Ashter blushes once again,

"U-Uhm...! S-Sure! I... I can help..." Ashter agrees as this was Lucinda's trick. It was like she used a spell but it wasn't even there to begin with.

"Good boy. Now, let's enjoy our walk. I heard Rachel is cooking pancakes again and I want to get back as soon as possible for some extras." Lucinda says as Ashter laughs,

"Rachel usually has some more left for the others. I'm pretty sure she'll save some for us." Ashter says as the screen fades to black.




The couple is seen sitting in their room, eating some pancakes as Lucinda is seen looking through her laptop. Her eyes turn to stars after a bit of clicking is heard,

"Oh... My... Irene... Ashy! Look at these!" Lucinda turns the laptop to him. It was a Magics Shop within an online search engine, Goggles.

"Look at this! This store just open a few days ago and it features Magic Transport! You buy whatever products, send whatever information you need, and they send the items to you! In a matter of MINUTES!" Lucinda was excited about how much mailing is changing as Ashter wasn't surprised, after witnessing the Mythical Realm's mailing it wasn't a surprise to begin with.

The werewolf eats his pancake, it having a chocolate substitute, he smiles after tasting the old chocolate flavor he couldn't eat or though he was allergic off, he sees Lucinda as she giggles,

"?" Ashter looks at her in confusion as she types away,

"Sorry... It's just that... You looked like your old self when we were in High School, it's adorable." She compliments as Ashter stares down at his fork with the pancake. The syrup oozing down the food as he smiles,

"... It's been so long since then..." Ashter rethinks his time in his hometown... It is always a tourist attraction and many go there to witness the sparkling waters of their beach.

Normally there is a policy that requires no trash dumping and no form of plastic near the ocean, which kept it clean most of the time.

Ashter, as a small little guy, used to volunteer to pick up the trash if any is left.

But little did he know he was making sure his mom's memories were clean.

Because this beach was when she met Dan's true self. Dan Lake. Many years ago Zina was known as Zina Ro'Meave, a woman who didn't want to go off of easy job offerings just because she was a part of the Ro'Meave Family. She wanted to work hard and be prepared to hopefully have a kid with him.

But it all changed after a car crash occurred.

Zina never told him about Ashter...

He was just as foreign to him as he was to Ashter.

Zina is seen smiling, watching on as the young boy picks up a cup, paper, etc off of the sandy ground. She was delighted to see her son do something to the place they first went on their date.

Zina is seen in her room, the dark light fills the despair she can feel as she burrows her face into her arms. She cries as she can't stop but feel the loss of her husband after all those years.

She was getting old. Yet she can't grow to pass the heartache she felt.

Her yellow eyes were barely visible in this dark room filled with nothing but a desire to see him.

Until... A voice is heard...

"Hello... Young lady..." Says a voice as it whispers in the night. Zina wasn't shocked, she heard worse, as she turns her head in her room,

"... Who's there...?" She wonders as a figure covered by the night is seen bathing in the moonlight. They had an overlayed voice that whispers mystery while spitting venom like a snake.

"Ah... Zina Lake. What a surprise. I didn't expect to find you of all people hiding on this island..." The man speaks foul words as Zina gets up slowly, immediately gaining her own sanity,

"W-Who are you...? What... What are you doing in my house?" Zina asks as she was in a defensive stance as the man wears a purple and golden robe fit for an ancient alchemist.

"I... Am here to make a deal with you." He speaks of words that can startle others as the woman grew confused.

Zina grew nervous,

"A... A deal...?" She wonders as the man grins, pushing his right arm out as his robe reveals a swirl of magic. Zina's eyes widened as she almost passed out. She covers her mouth as her eyes shake in fear and extreme disbelief.

Her legs grew weak.

Her voice trembles.

The man grins as the swirl reveals...

"D-Dan..." Zina was startled. She can feel his presence. She can SEE his body floating in a dark void. The man asks again,

"I... Have a deal for you, Zina Lake. You see... I... Rescued your husband by just... Fetching his mortal soul from leaving this world. And trust me, it was no easy task. It took me... Power to do so and I waited so long to find you." The man spoke as Zina falls to her knees.

"M... My husband... Why... Why do you have him...?" She wonders as the man smirks,

"Well... That's something I'll inform you... If you take my offer..." The man pulls his hand to Zina as if she needed to only shake it...

And she'll know...

"Well? Do we have a deal? Help me in whatever I want... And your loved one will be back...?" The man spoke as Zina couldn't think... As she could only grab the man's hand...

As the deal was sealed.

End of Chapter 4.

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