Chapter 20: Lucy and Ash

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"AARON. THEY'RE HERE." Ashter is seen scrambling to his feet as he is seen rushing out of the couch in Aaron and Aphmau's room, wearing the clothes he wore when coming here.

"WHAT!?! YOU AREN'T SERIOUS!?!" Aaron was stunned as Ashter slams the door shut, as Ashter meets the gaze of Melissa,

"W-Woah. Uh... Heh, there baby brother-!" Melissa was stopped by Ashter,

"OH HEY MELISSA... UH." Ashter didn't realize they'd be here right now, as it was basically late in the morning.

"Uh... Are you doing okay? You came out of Aaron and Aphmau's room and you look pale..." Melissa places her hand on Ashter's forehead as the werewolf explains,

"Uh... Well... Aphmau was a bit sick and... I guess I caught it! Yeah, *cough cough*." Ashter faked a cough as Melissa seemed... Disappointed.

"Aw... No wonder why Aphmau hasn't taken my calls. No matter! Ash, you and Lucy have some making out to do!" Melissa proclaims as Ashter's eyes widened with an angered red face,

"MELISSA," Ashter shouts, but as he did, arms wrapped around his neck, as hands hang off of them,

"Well well well, seems like you've been training hard with your magic. Hello, Ashy~" Lucinda says in the back as Ashter smiles,

"Hey, Lucy... Long time no see?" Ashter turns around, grabbing her hands,

"Hehe... Yeah. BUT, it wasn't that bad with my hunk of a man to not be on the scene. I have a LOT to tell you, Ashy." Lucinda goes off on everything that happened throughout the adventure they had...

Chapter 19 PT. 2: A small date. Turns into the truth.

Ashter and Lucinda are seen talking and having a bite into their lunch, they sit across from one another in a private room reserved for them.

"Wow... This food is, amazing." Lucinda was surprised and grateful, as Ashter nods,

"Yeah! I also heard that this place is a great spot for relaxing!" Ashter comments as Lucinda then asks,

"So... You wanna tell me what's going on between Aphmau and Aaron~?" Lucinda was in for some gossip, as Ashter chuckles, looking straight at her,

"Well... Over a kiss, maybe I'd tell... Learned from the best that nothing is free with us wizards and witches-" Ashter was caught off guard as Lucinda kisses Ashter on the cheek, as he blushes a bit of red,

"Now, spill. I don't wanna turn this room into our bedroom back home." Lucinda flirtatiously says as Ashter smiles a bit, looking down, before looking back up.

"Well... Nothing much besides hanging out with them. Aaron also told me Aph got a HUGE fever on a water jet next to the shop here." Ashter spills a tiny bit...

But Lucinda grew more serious.

"No. I don't mean that. Aphmau's... Aura. Is more different. I don't know why... But something about her aura reminds me of... Yours. Did you manage to teach her magic, or something else?" Lucinda wonders as Ashter's eyes narrow, looking down.

This is one reason why relationships are hard. You can't expect to be with someone if you can't be honest with them.

Ashter knew this will come, as he ordered this private room for a reason.

"... Lucy. I... I don't want you to get mad or anything like that... But... Something did happen." Ashter says as Lucinda was quiet and all ears.

"I... I turned... Aphmau... Into a werewolf..." Ashter says as Lucinda's eyes widened with disbelief,

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