Chapter 15: Bite...

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Ep 16 (Originally going to be 15) is on hold and Ep 17 will be the starting point of this newest chapter! Don't worry, as long as y'all understand that I can't really replace an episode BUT skip to the actual drama that requires Ashter, you'll understand eventually





Time goes on in their new first day back, and as it did, a knock is heard at the door...

"?" Ashter was a bit confused as Aphmau sits next to him watching some anime.

"Huh? Is something the matter, Ash?" Aphmau wonders as Ashter shows himself out,

"Someone's knocking, I'll go get it," Ashter says as a sudden shock haunts Ashter as he was near inches to the door.

"What the..." Ashter felt something... Unpleasant... His vision returns to normal as he opens the door, which confused him at first, as he looked similar to...

"Ah! Aaron, there you are! I haven't seen you in a while! How have you been?" He says as he looks at Ashter once more,

"Hm? Your hair is a lot longer than I expected... You okay, Aaron?" He was confused as Ashter corrects him,

"Oh, no. I'm not Aaron, I'm his brother, Ashter." Ashter says as the man was astonished as he says,

"Ohhhhh... Right, right, I'm sorry, Aaron mentioned you while he was in his physical therapy! Hi, my name is Terrence. I heard Aaron and his girlfriend was here, so..." Terrence says as Aphmau walks up to greet this mysterious man...

"Hi! I heard you say my name! I'm Aphmau, nice to meet you!" Aphmau introduces himself as Terrence explains why he is here.


This... Nasty aura... It's shrouded by a pure calming presence...

Could he be... A Warlock? Ashter knows their magical capabilities far exceed his own, and that only mages of a high degree of magic can face and even kill these beings.

He could've trained to be a mage in power... But he is limited to only a Forever Potion. His magic was gone a long time ago... Only a simple potion remains.

However, moments later, Aaron is seen sitting on the edge of the rooftop pool, as Aphmau set herself off and Terrence is just placing the basket on the table.

"Hey, Aaron?" Ashter says as he too sits on the edge of the watery pool.

"Huh?" Aaron wonders why his brother calls for him,

"Hey, Aaron. I have a... An important question for you." Ashter had this since yesterday when they left, this is a new day after all, and Ashter wanted answers.

"Uh... Ask away." Aaron grew nervous for other reasons, but as luck may not have it, Ashter wonders,

"Why did you want me to join you and Aph? To be honest, I'd thought you would've wanted to be with Aphmau. Alone." Ashter says, as Aphmau already told him about Terrence being here, Ashter just watched him and observed.

"Uh... O-OH! Right! Right..." Aaron grew quick all of a sudden, as Ashter can feel this... Aura of emotions, guilt... Contemplation... And happiness.

"I... I..." Aaron says, before finally revealing,

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