Chapter 14: Moving

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"So... You ready for the haunted house, Ashy?" Lucinda is seen in the room as Ashter nods,

"Yeah... Yeah." Ashter says in a very... Off tone.

"Hey, Ash, ya okay?" Lucinda wonders as...




"Ashter. I want you to come with me and Aph to the resort. I... I need to... You and Aph to help me." Ashter can only hear, as Ashter says ever so suddenly,

"Lucinda. Aaron wanted me to go with him back to the resort." Ashter says as Lucinda's eyes widened a bit in surprise,

"H-Huh? Why? Is something up?" Lucinda wonders as the werewolf looks down, a bit guilty to say this, but it is up to her,

"Lucy. I know I am not the best boyfriend at taking you out to romantic dinners, hanging out, and all of that... But... But Aaron needs me for this one. To help him heal." Lucinda hears it all, as Ashter says,

"So... I won't be back for two or three days... If you don't mind-!" Ashter is hugged by Lucinda, which shocked him a lot,

"If it's for Aaron... I won't hold you back. He is your brother, you should be there for him." Lucinda was so supportive as she goes close to his ear, whispering,

"Besides... I already know how you can... Repay me... When you get back..." Lucinda giggles a bit as Ashter's face turns redder than a beat,

"S-Sure, Lucy... S-Sure..." Ashter was a bit flustered as Lucinda kisses him on his cheek, before smiling,

"Besides. I need to help Kim with Ghost, so you better make sure you help Aaron with whatever he needs." Lucinda says as hours later, she was off with the others, as moments later, he is seen picking up a few days' worths of clothes, just in case.

"..." Ashter is seen breathing in, then out, before he rearranges himself.

"Knock knock" the knock on the door is heard, as Ashter allows them to come in.

Aaron stands there, as he wheels both his and Aphmau's bag,

"You ready to load up the dock?" Aaron says as Ashter nods.

"Will you think Aphmau will come to go?" Ashter wonders, as Aaron and he was walking along the docks and to the mini boat,

"I... I want her to come. For the right reason, Ash." Aaron says as Ashter's eyes light up a bit in admiration,

"For the right reason, huh...?" Ashter remembers Aphmau's behavior towards Aaron... That's when it clicked, as she has been treating him like a dog... Not a proper person.

"Ah... I see..." Ashter says, as suddenly, Aphmau is seen rushing to Aaron, which was on cue as they placed their bags, before turning to Aphmau as she stands there, breathing heavily,

"F... Finally... I caught up... To you...!" Aphmau huffs and puffs as Ashter is seen boarding the boat, leaving with a smile as he sets up his bag and places it in the right spot on the boat.

"..." Ashter can only sit... And wonder... What IS the purpose of him coming here... It was sudden too like he planned it and told Ashter in summary at the last moment.

Ashter couldn't understand or understand the intentions Aaron was after...

"Ash~~~!" Aphmau is seen rushing at Ashter, hugging him while he was in a state of shock,

"!" Ashter was shocked as he holds Aphmau in his arms,

"I'm... So sorry... That I was so stupid!" Aphmau apologizes as Ashter was super confused,

"Huh? What are you sorry about? You didn't do anything to me." Ashter comforts her, as Aphmau is seen backing up with tears in her eyes,

"I treated Aaron like I do as a dog... Not as a person... I'm... So sorry..." Aphmau does so again as the werewolf comforts her in her realization,

"Shh... It's okay Aph. I forgive you." The werewolf says as the boat soon trails off.

The three sit and watch as the night sky turns dark. The shining stars doting the night sky with jewels of the universe.

The three sit back, laughing and telling jokes about their past. They are nostalgic over these fond memories,

"Remember the time that Ashter and Lucinda went to that bar too!?! Ash, you should've just said you get drunk easily!" Aaron laughs as Ashter is grumpy for that comment,

"I... Just get drunk easily, that's all." Ashter defends himself as the Aphmau and Aaron are seen cuddling with one another, asleep. Ashter wonders and ponders WHY Aaron still wants him here. He even went along with it like it was meant to happen... Ashter feels the boat riding smoothly along the water as it was slow and steady.

"This might take until morning until we get there..." Ashter deduces as he rests his arm on the side of the boat, as his hair blows softly in the wind picking up, as he sees the sapphire blue gem that is the moonlight's waters.

The moon is like the caretaker of the ocean.

Its celestial moonlight shines upon the salty yet elegant flow of water, always adapting into the forms of the earth.

"..." Ashter grew very tired, yet the thoughts of being here keeps him awake, as he keeps this thought in his mind, before heading off and sleeping on the couch.

Upon waking up, the three are seen rearranging themselves in the resort, as the three are seen eating breakfast thanks to Aaron.

"Wow! Aaron, this tastes good!" Aphmau praises him as Aaron takes the compliment,

"Yeah, it tastes a LOT better than the last time I ate at your guy's place all those years ago!" Ashter was more the same as Aphmau, as Aaron grabs a plate and sits down beside Aphmau, and by extension across from Ashter.

"Yeah... I've been practicing ever since," Aaron explains as the three enjoy their meal.

Ashter is then seen plopping on the bed as the werewolf then scrolls through the phone, seeing Lucinda send Ashter some pictures of her and Kim being scared out of their minds, the picture blurring a bit because of it.

"Heh." Ashter chuckles as he likes it, as Lucinda was inactive, as the werewolf plops his arm on the bed.

"... This is nice." Ashter was feeling the effects of the joy of being alone once and a while. It was like a break where he lets out some steam.

"Hm." Ashter was a bit intrigued about what to do at this time. Despite being alone, sometimes it is boring and gets boring at times.





Within the deep depths of the nether, a woman with long black hair...


She is seen across a metal table as a masked man sits across from her,

"It's a pleasure to meet you again, Micheal. My, have you been aging lately? If so, I am surprised by how young you look!" Enyo surprisingly says as the man's voice was deep yet demonic,

"I see you've gotten used to my... Test subject... That Lake is a prize in beauty and youth, more so better than another one I proposed."

End of Chapter 14.

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