Chapter 26: A Ultima's Curse

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"Is everything going according to plan?" The figure of mist says as Enyo nods with a chuckle,

"We're 75% complete... This spell requires a LOT of souls to keep this portal open... If we do so, monsters, imps, and even the vengeful will escape and ravage everything on that pathetic excuse of a resort." Enyo explains as the figure chuckles,

"Perfect... But... We still have a problem..." It says as Enyo cocks up an eyebrow,

"And what would that be?"

"That Lake... He has completely changed and twisted the original physiology of my personal creation... I can't even connect to it and use it! He... Converted the potion!" It yells as Enyo growls,

"At it again, huh? Twisting not only this timeline but even a force meant for you and you only!?! Typical..." Enyo was furious as the figure sighed,

"No matter... That Lunix boy has placed a potion on Lucinda... The Priest's daughter... However... It's been months since the last time she activated it... It is practically impossible for me to connect my curses to her if that's the case..." The figure speaks boldly as Dan walks in with now demonic wings and scaley skin.

"..." He was silent as he holds a large bundle of souls...

"Ah... Why thank you, Dan... If this is a surprise! This is nearly enough for the spell to be complete!" Enyo gazes and smiles widely at the feeble souls trying to escape from their undetermined rest...

"Ah..." She absorbs these souls into her being...

"Just a bit more..." Enyo smiles devilishly as the being seemed plenty satisfied.

"Perfect..." The being says in a manner that was... Very much ready.

But suddenly... It materialized as a being was a ghastly ghost of a demon... Warlock...

"Ah... I completely forgot... I too need the power to recover my true power..." He grits his teeth as Enyo smiles,

"Well... If everything goes according to plan, you'll have THOUSANDS of souls to feast on... Many..." Enyo was also bathing at the thought as the being looks at the mindless Dan...

"I'll be taking him if you don't mind. If he'll be working under us, we need to make sure he is PERFECT." The being comments as Enyo waves her hand,

"Do whatever you want. I'll take care of the rest of the plans..." Enyo comments as Dan walks with the being...




"So... Are you sure you can carry all those things to the front room?" Ashter comments as Lucinda breathes in then out, before lifting and holding the large bag of machinery and the ones she received back.

"Phew..." Lucinda gently and carefully holds the bag,

"I'm not a weak girlfriend, Ashter. Nothing is tough for Lucinda the Witch." Lucinda comments as Ashter easily grabs his bags as he and Lucinda head off to the front room.




"No! There is no such thing!" Says none other than Derek as he talks with someone on the phone,

"... No. There is no such thing as two Ultima children. Those are just myths and neither am I." Derek speaks with someone on the phone as Derek seems... Annoyed.

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