Chapter 25: Babes Hit On the A-Duo

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"So! Volleyball!" Garroth is seen grabbing a volleyball as Ashter is seen just chilling alongside Aaron,

"So... Aaron... How's your new fiance doing? Last time I heard Aph was looking at some places for your wedding~" Ashter teases as Aaron chuckles lightly, his face a bit red,

"W-Well... I kept telling her that it was way too early for that stuff... We just got engaged not too long ago." Aaron admits as that was a fair point,

"My point still remains! Aaron, I am proud of you two for getting this far. Besides, Aphmau is going to be my sister-in-law! How can I not be this excited!?!" The two walk with none other than Travis, Zane, and obviously Garroth for their hangout session.

"Haha, that's true! But hey, if that's the case, when am I going to be Lucinda's brother-in-law-!" Aaron was trying to punish the man but he shuts him up,

"We've been only dating for about two years! It's way too soon to be thinking about this stuff!" Ashter admits that he IS thinking about it.

"Oh? So you're not denying it???????" Aaron continues, but the topic shifts as Garroth says,

"We're here~!" Garroth chants as the five are there at the volleyball ring on the beach, where many others sit and enjoy the refreshing day.

"Perfect! Now we can all pick teams!" Travis says as Garroth immediately says,

"Oh! I can Aaron!" Garroth announces as Aaron shrugs, happy to still go along and also knowing Garroth's strength is MONSTEROUS.

"Yes!" Aaron says as Travis was annoyed,

"Huh!?! But we still haven't picked out team leaders!" Travis was ANNOYED as Garroth chuckled,

"Well, then you, Ashter, and Zane will be on a team! Besides, he can carry you, softies, any day!" Garroth comments as Ashter had no objections, but Travis and Zane were FUMING with anger, revenge, and anger.

"Hey!" The two were and felt mocked,

"Pah! Well, Ashter is like... One of the strongest people I know! He can carry ALL of us then we'll see who is the weaker ones!" Travis announces as Zane could say the same thing,

"As much as I hate you, brother, I know that we have the racial advantage here, hahaha!" Zane comments and compliments, in a sense, on Ashter's mixed race. This gives him attributes not any ordinary person has.

Soon, the five are on their sides. Ashter is ready as Zane and Travis looked ready, while Aaron and Garroth are cockily ready.

They serve the ball, as it flies, and in the direction, Zane is in.

"?" Ashter was... Confused. Before realizing,

"Zane! Hit it!" Ashter shouts as Zane's instincts kick back,

"Huh!?! O-Oh! Right!" Zane was shocked for a moment but hits the ball as it goes...


"Woohoo!" Garroth celebrates as Travis and Zane were annoyed with one another,

"Zane! Why didn't you hit the ball properly!?!" Travis shouts as Zane does as well,

"Well, what am I supposed to do!?! I don't play this kind of game!" Zane was also annoyed as Ashter facepalms.

After a while, the two teams gain near-perfectly tied points. Aaron and Garroth just screwed up and hit the ball at the same time, resulting in the synchronization coming undone.

"Alright!" Ashter was pumped up, as Travis and Zane were as well,

"See? There are perks to sitting some things out." Zane was pro-sitting things out while Travis wasn't.

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