Chapter 10: Well it worked, didn't it?

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"Well it worked, didn't it?"

I sprinted towards the fallen tree trunk, trying to think through the movements that I had to make. Both hands on the trunk, then jump. Hands on, jump. Or was it jump and then hands on? The obstacle neared. Isaac had insisted on finding the largest tree possible, meaning that once it had been felled, it was almost half my height.

I pushed off of the ground and planted my palms on the rough bark. I could feel my momentum carry me upwards, the vault almost taking me over the wooden hurdle.


My foot caught and I flipped head over heels for the numerous time that day. I hit the now worn down dirt underneath me with a loud thud. Groaning, I sat up to hear Amber's laughter from the thick forest canopy above.

She balanced steadily on a tree branch, her legs swinging underneath her as she whittled away at a rather long stick with her short sword. I recalled the snapped hunting bow, it must have taken the damage while she was being chased... Regardless, she seemed content with crafting a new one.

"Hands first." Isaac suggested from his seat atop one of the large boulders that dotted this region of the woodlands.

I said nothing as I pushed myself back onto my feet, brushing off the newest layer of grime. After a rather lengthy argument, Isaac had reluctantly agreed to teach me the art of movement. Meanwhile, Amber had been almost too happy to take on the instruction of combat.

I feared for midday, which was when the two had decided to switch. The creepers lessons might have been painful and repetitive, but the skeleton had held the same evil grin for the past two hours. I shivered at the thought.

"Isn't there anything simpler we could start with?" I asked, again.

The dark sunglasses that covered his eyes did nothing to hide his amusement. "This is the simplest it gets."

I sighed as I readied myself again. Hands down, jump, tuck, extend, land. Five easy steps. Why couldn't I get this? Running at the accursed object again, I followed the instructions, thinking each one through as they happened.

I let out a frustrated growl as I hit the ground yet again.

"I don't get you. When there's a hot girl to save, you seem to do fine, but otherwise you're just a mess." Isaac noted.

Amber seemed to perk up at the mention. "Hot?"

"Terrifyingly ugly didn't really fit into the sentence properly." He retorted without missing a beat.

I waited for the creeper to be bombarded with arrows. But surprisingly, nothing came. She simply nodded and returned to her task. Did she... Agree? With what he had just said?

For now, I ignored the misplaced conclusion and decided to respond to Isaac's query. "I'm following all the steps, I just can't seem to string them together fast enough."

He massaged the back of his neck in thought. "I'm not really sure how to fix that..."

Amber fell backwards, letting her knees hold onto the branch for a moment before she flicked her legs under her body and landed on the ground with a cat like precision. It seemed her wounds were no longer an issue. In fact once the ailments had been removed, the bleeding soon subsided before stopping all together. Hybrids were amazing creatures. "I guess it's my turn then."

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