Episode 5

16 1 1

Next Day

Hazel wakes up as sunlight hits her face. She turns around just to see Aiden staring at her.

"Good Morning my babies" Aiden says

"Morning" Hazel says eyes still half shut

"We are going to visit mom and dad today and tell them about becoming grandparents.. I took leave from work today... And you are not working for a year minimum.."

Hazel shot her eyes open when she heard she won't be working for a year.


Before she could finish Aiden placed his finger on her lips

"Shhh baby.. Don't curse our son might hear it"

"But why will I not work for a year? I am just on my first month.."

"No I want my son to be safe and sound.. You will be in the house.. And I had my manager appoint a few more maids who will look after you.."

"But Aiden we already have 4 maids I don't think we need more"

"Shhh.. I know what's good for my son and wife" Aiden says and walks to the washroom. Hazel completely missed the fact that he was stating the baby as a boy all along because she was sulking thinking that she won't be going to work. 

Hazel does her morning routine and goes down towards the kitchen to see 3 maids already preparing breakfast and Aiden instructing them what they should cook for Hazel while looking at his phone. Meaning he was reading on internet what and what not a pregnant woman should eat. Aiden looks at the stairs and sees Hazel walking in. He quickly puts his phone is his pocket.

"Babyyy.. I told you to not walk around the house alone"


"Keep Quiet and listen to me okayyy?"

After sometime Aiden comes with a plate and sits in front of Hazel. Hazel cocks her eyebrows looking at the plate full of greens. 

"I ain't eating that.. I want waffles.." Hazel said

"No you are eating this.."


Aiden looks at her and his stare made Hazel scared af.. And she quickly grabbed the plate from his hands and started munching on the greens.

"That's like a good girl" Aiden smiles in victory and walks away.

"I hate you Walker" Hazel mumbled

"I can hear you sweety" Hazel widened her eyes when she heard Aiden shouting from the kitchen

"How did he hear? FU-"

"Don't you dare curse again" Aiden shouts again

Hazel shuts her mouth and starts eating again.

When Hazel finishes her food she heads towards the kitchen to keep the plate and finds Aiden instructing the maids something. Aiden hears her footsteps and looks at her. That's when Hazel's phone started ringing. She was about to go upstairs when Aiden held her hand. "Wait I am bringing it." Hazel sighs looking at Aiden's figure going up. She turns around  to see the maids staring at her. 

"Don't listen to him please make me some tasty stuff too"

They start giggling after hearing Hazel. 

Aiden comes down with a phone in his hand.

"I was about to pick it up but it got cut before" Aiden hands her the phone

"Oh but who was it" Hazel asks taking her phone 

"Umm.. The girl who will never get married and have a boyfriend"


"Sure" Aiden says smiling

"Yeah Whatever"

Hazel dials Beth and starts walking towards the living room while Aiden continues his conversation with the maids. After a few seconds Beth picks up the call.

"Hey Beth.. What's up?"

"Hey baby mama"

Hazel couldn't help but blush in that sentence


"Ooo someone's blushing I guess.. Anyways this is gonna sound unreal but umm I am going out on a date tonight.. So I need some dressing advice okay?"


Hazel says yelling which made Aiden run into the living room

"What happened why are you yelling?"

"Beth is going on a date"

"Haha.. Good joke but it ain't April fool yet"

Beth who could hear everything Aiden was saying says

"Hazel don't blame me if I kill your husband someday"

"Aiden shut up and Beth send me the pictures of the dress options I am calling you back okay?"

Beth sends a few pictures of some dresses and within a nanosecond gets a call from Hazel.

"Beth you are wearing the orange frock because it has net sleeves which will look bomb on you and you will match it with white heels because the neck area is lined with white stones and for makeup you need to do a faux eyeliner and a brownish nude lip.. Okay?"

"Woah woman calm down I am going on the date not you. Chill out."


"Okay I will call you later and tell you how it went okay? Btw what you doing today?"

"Going to my in-laws house to give them the news."

"Ooo.. All the best then.. Kay..Byee.. Love you.."

"Yeah and all the best to you too for tonight.. Love you"

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