Episode 17

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One month later

Hazel returned to Beverly Hills almost a month ago. She got a job and also put Aimee in a primary school. Bethany insisted that Hazel stays with her but Hazel denied and she rented an apartment. She is living a very good life here in fact.

Currently they are in a park where the mom-daughter duo often come for a walk.

Aimee: "Mom look there's an ice cream truck? Can we have some?"

Hazel: "Of course baby"

Hazel puts her daughter on the bench and goes towards the ice cream truck. However she didn't know she was being watched the entire time.

Aiden had seen Hazel by chance last week. He wasn't sure at first after all 4 years have passed. But when he followed her he knew it was Hazel and his daughter. He couldn't believe he finally found them. After searching them for a long time he finds them and vows to never let them out of their sight again. He even hired a detective to shadow them so he knows where they live. For a moment he looks at his daughter dutifully for her mother. Even from afar he could see what a beauty his daughter is.

He gathers all his courage and walks towards the little girl. When he reaches there.. He kneels down to her level and looks at her. No doubt she was his daughter. She was the spitting image of Aiden. 

Aiden: "Hello little one.. Why are you sitting here alone?"

Aimee: "Mom told me to not to talk to people I don't know."

She shyly looks at the floor avoiding Aiden. He has to smile. Hazel has raised her well.

Aiden: "But I am not a stran-"

Hazel: "Aimee Walker.. I have told you not to talk to-"

Hazel stops immediately seeing the person who is kneeling in front of her daughter. In shock she drops the ice cream which Aimee doesn't like at all.."

Aiden: "Hello Hazel"

Hazel is brought back to reality. She quickly grabs Aimee and wants to run away but Aiden stops her by holding her arm. 

Aiden: "Please.. Please don't run away again.. Finally after so much of searching.. I finally found and o-our daughter"

Hazel: "Your daughter? Huh? You wanted a son so badly didn't you? So I hope you found the woman who was able to fulfill your wishes which I clearly couldn't fulfill"

Hazel wants to tear up herself and not to show the tears that have already formed in her eyes. But he wouldn't let her go

Aiden: "I am sorry.. So sorry.. I was so stupid that I didn't even bother to realize the treasure I lost through my stubbornness" 

Hazel: "It's too late Aiden.. We are living our own lives now and I believe that's better"

Aiden looks at Hazel with tears in his eyes. While Aimee is standing behind Hazel seeking protection from her mother.

Aiden: "Please Hazel.. I wanna meet her.. I wanna be a good father to her, if you let me.. Aimee deserves to have a full family.."

Hazel looks at her daughter. How many times she wished that Aiden was with her, just when Aimee was calling for her father in her sleep..

Hazel: "Okay.. We meet here tomorrow at the same time"

Aiden is so happy that he hugs Hazel but she pushes him away.

Aiden: "I-Uh- Sorry- I am just so happy"

Without replying Hazel turns around and starts walking and takes Aimee by her hand. She looks at her father for a moment until she smiles. Aiden smiles as well and waves back at her. He's glad to get a chance to make up for his mistake,


Hazel is currently cooking while Aimee has been trying to find something since she was home. After a few mins Hazel comes in the kitchen with a photo album. 

Aimee: "Mom was that dad in the park today?"

Aimee looks at her mom with hope glistening in her eyes. Hazel smiles and lifts her daughter up and sets her on the kitchen counter table"

Hazel: "Yes baby that was your dad.. He found us.. That is what you have always wanted right?"

Hazel tucks a hair strand behind Aimee's ears as the latter nods

Aimee: "Then why did dad leave us? Didn't he love us?"

Hazel had to suppress her tears. These scenes with Aiden have been haunting her all these years

Hazel: "Of course he loves us baby.. How can someone not love you? You know dad has a big company to run. He has so much responsibility so he couldn't stay with us.."

Aimee: "But dad isn't going back right?"

Hazel: "If you want that.. Then.. Aimee's dad stays with her forever"

Hazel kisses Aimee's forehead. If Aimee wants Aiden to play a role in her life.. It's okay with her.. But what she doesn't know is whether Aiden will play a role in her life again.. She was still unsure of it.. 

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