Episode 7

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It is currently 9 30 pm. Hazel is reading a book while Aiden is on his phone.

Suddenly Hazel's phone starts ringing. The caller ID says "Beth🤣❤️". Hazel smiles and picks up the call and stands up to head towards the balcony. Aiden understood they are gonna have a "GIRL TALK" so he didn't interrupt them.


"Hieee Mi Amor and soon to be mama"

"Aish.. Stop it already..How was the date.. Baby mama wants details"

"Hmm soo.. He is a 7/10.. His name is Lucas.. He is 24 and therefore 1 year younger than us.. He is a dermatologist.. And he looks fine I guess? I mean he is around 5'10 I suppose.. Has slight beard and umm plain black eyes.."

"So are we meeting Lucas again?"

"I think so yeah.. He seems a pretty fun person to hang out with"

"Wooo.. Bethy is getting a boyfie it seems"

"Nah.. Bethany Jones doesn't do dating okay? Okay enough about me.. What about you? How did it go with your in-laws?"

"Ahh.. It was f-fine yeah fine"

"C'mon Hazel I have know you for years now.. Shut up.. Spit it out"

"No.. It was fine.. I-I promise"

"Do you want me to go to your house so late.. Okay then I am coming"

"No wait.. I am telling you"

"That's like a good girl"

"Yesterday when I told Aiden about my pregnancy he said he will be having a son when I confronted him about it he said their family doesn't give birth to girls.. And first I managed to ignore it but today dad also said the same thing.. I'm scared.. What if it turns out to be a girl? Won't she be accepted?"

"Oh.. I think both are men so they are saying that they want a boy I suppose.. Did Aiden's mom say the same thing?"

"No.. She said it's fine"

"Then see.. It is just a matter of a few days.. It'll be okay.. Oh OMG- Did you hear It'll be okay by Shawn.. I love it so much.. Man's perfect.. Aish I wish I can marry him instead"

Hazel chuckles at her friend who will start ranting about her favourite singer.

"Yeah I heard it.. It was nice"

"Nice? Really Hazel? Just a NiCe? It is MaStErPiEcE okay? You don't call Shawn's songs just NICE"

"Okay okay Mrs. Soon to be Lucas.. But Shawn is definitely not better than Charlie.. His new song Light switch is much better than It'll be okay"

"First off.. I am never becoming Mrs. Lucas Imma stay Ms. Bethany motherfukin Jones till the day I die.. Secondly No.. I mean Light Switch is good.. But it'll be okay is WAYYYY better.. It has so many emotions.."

"Ms. Jones it'll be okay is a breakup song.. How on Earth do you relate to it?"

"Yeah I just broke up with Soy Milk so I relate"

"Oh my God Bethany Jones.. Grow up for god's sake.. Who will take care of you?"

"YOU DUH! What? Are you planning on throwing me out after that small baby pops out you?"

"Well Yeah? You my adopted child which I didn't even wanna adopt.. And this is my own child"

"Yeah? I'm hurt.. I will kidnap that baby.."

"Try me bish"

"You wish"

"Okay.. I am hanging up now.. I am kinda tired.."

"Yeah sure baby mama"

Hazel cuts the call and goes to her bed and sits on it.

"What did Miss Never getting married say?" Aiden asks

"Nothing just about her first date with Lucas" Hazel replied

"So his name is Lucas? Hmm"

"Yeah he's 24 and is a dermatologist"

"Derma- What?"

"A dermatologist you idiot.. A skin doctor"

"Oh.. So what? Is she planning on taking it forward?"

"She said she might hang out with him but she said she's definitely not looking forward to dating or anyone to be specific" Hazel says while chuckling

"Aish when is your friend growing up?"

"I wish she never does.. I love her the way she is"

"Hmm.. Baby it's almost 10.. I am heating up the food.. You can come downstairs slowly okay?"

"Yeah" Hazel says as Aiden goes downstairs. Hazel puts her hand on her stomach. "I love you baby okay?" And with that she goes down as well.

She reaches the dining table to see the table filled with foods.

"So we are having Apple Juice, Roasted Salmon,  2 avacados,  And some dried fruits which include Cashew nuts and apricots... And I also bought some vanilla ice cream for you"


Hazel rushes toward Aiden and hugs him.

"Okay let's eat?"

Hazel just nods and sits on the table and starts eating along with Aiden.

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