Episode 20

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A few weeks have past since Bethany's marriage.. Bethany and Lucas are currently on their honeymoon in Thailand.. Aiden regularly visits his daughter.. Which makes Aimee very happy too.. 

Together she walks up with Aimee up the driveway she hasn't walked in for 4 long years.. When she finally sees the house all memories good and bad come flooding back.. Today is Aimee's 4th bday.. She has expressed her wish to spend it together with her mom and dad.. Since Hazel's apartment is small.. Aiden invited the two over to his house.

Aimee:" Wow! Look mom what a big house.. And dad lives here all alone?"

Aimee is thrilled to see the big house her father lives in

Hazel presses the bell and it opens

Aiden: "There you are I have been waiting for like an eternity"

Aiden gets excited and pulls the two into his house.. Hazel looks around.. Nothing has changed.. Hazel's decors.. Their wedding pictures.. Everything was in the same place she last saw..

Aiden: "I left everything as they were so they made me feel your presence around me.."

Hazel smiles and looks at the floor.. Aiden is doing everything to get her back... But she is still not sure if it is the right decision..

In the dining room the three of them sit  and enjoy the cake Aiden has baked.. It doesn't only looks good but the tastes the same.. Hazel could see the effort he put in..

Aimee: "Do you really live alone here?"

Aimee looks at her dad with wide eyes..

Aiden: "Yes baby.. And I feel very alone at times"

Aiden looks at Hazel who immediately lowers her gaze... After a couple seconds.. Aimee started pulling the tip of Hazel's skirt..

Aimee: "Mom can we live with dad? There is enough space for all of us.."

Aimee looks at her mother who shakes her head immediately..

Hazel: "Listen.. We can't move in here.. Your dad doesn't have room for you.."

Aiden: "Don't worry I put up a room for Aimee a long time back and there is ours anyway"

Aimee: "Yeah so we can move in.. So dad is no longer alone.."

Hazel looks back forth between the two.. It is not going to her plan at all

Hazel: "Baby look .. We just can't move in here.. It doesn't work like that.."

Hazel hopes that Aimee will quickly forget about it but nah.. She has inherited her father's stubbornness

Aimee: "If you don't want to you stay home alone then.. I am definitely moving in with dad.."

Speechless.. She looks at Aimee who is looking at her mom with folded arms.. So she has no choice but to comply with her daughter's wish..


Slowly Hazel wakes up from her sleep.. She stretches and opens her eyes and closes them immediately as the sun blinds them.. A few moments later she looks at the guestroom.. It is still unfamiliar to live with Aiden but she has to do it for her daughter's sake

Curious she goes down the stairs and quietly peeps into the kitchen just to see father and daughter preparing breakfast together..

Aiden: "You are doing a great job.. Do you always help mom cook?"

Aimee nods vigorously and places the pancake on the plate..

Aimee: "I would love to cook together with you and mom"

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