Episode 14

15 2 1

Currently 9 30pm

Bethany is in her apartment munching on chips when the doorbell rings. She gets a little surprised because she wasn't expecting anyone this late. She goes towards the door and pausing for a moment she opens it. Just to see her best friend drenched in sweat. Her face all red and she is panting for air. 

"H-Hazel? Come in quick"

She walks her in and makes her sit on the couch and goes to the kitchen to bring water. 

She gives Hazel a glass of water and sits beside her. Hazel gulps down the water in one go.

"What happened? What are you doing here at this hour?"

Hazel couldn't utter a single word. Instead she hugged Bethany and sobbed hard. 

"Shh.. it's fine.. I'm here"

Bethany says patting her back.

When Hazel calmed down she starts..

"A-Aiden... We went for the gender reveal today.. And it turns out we are having a daughter.. But Aiden doesn't want a girl.. He said that this baby is not his.. I cheated on him with someone else.. Because if it is his child it cannot be a girl.. He said he wanted a son because he wanted to teach his son what a man should do and he wanted a son for his company too.. He thinks girls are weak to run a company.. A-and he also said that he would have never married me if he knew I couldn't give him a son.. And I cannot fulfill his desires which any other woman could have easily fulfilled.. Beth.. Are we girls that weak? Incapable? Even my aunt threw me out because I was a girl and hence a burden.."

"He what? That bitch.. I am going to your house right now.. Just two slaps across the face everything will be alright"

Beth stands to grab the car keys.. Hazel holds her hand 

"Don't. I left him for well and good.. I don't want to disturb him.. Let him marry a woman who can provide him with a son.. Don't go please.. If you go there.. While you're gone I will leave too and I don't know where I go.."

"B-but.. Okay.. But I still cannot believe he can do such a thing.. I thought he was a good guy.. Anyways are you hungry? If you are not I bet that girl in there is and if you don't the first thing she will do after being born is start complaining that her mother didn't give her food"

Bethany said to lighten up Hazel's mood.

Hazel let's out a small chuckle saying,

"Hmm.. I'm kinda caving Pb&J"

"Well then I guess we are having some Pb&J"


After eating

"Beth.. Do you mind if I stay here for a week or two? Then I will go somewhere else.."

"Hazel.. What the actual fuck? And you call me your best friend? Seriously? You can stay with me for as long as you want and you will not go anywhere else.. What'd you think? I'll let you away from my sight?"

"No Beth.. I don't wanna face Aiden ever again and if we live in the same city.. I know someday I will cross paths with him.. I wanna leave this country"

"What about me? I won't see you too.."

"Yah.. I'll keep contact with you DUH.. And I will break your face if you don't visit me every month"

"Dayum.. Baby mamma's aggressive.. Okay it's almost 11.. Let's sleep kay? We don't want to give our lil girl troubles.."



2 days later..

Hazel is engrossed doing something in the laptop and Beth pops up from nowhere


Hazel flinches and looks at Bethany with a wtf look

"Hey lady.. Don't you have classes today? Don't disturb a pregnant woman.. Understand?"

"No I cancelled all my classes because this lady misses her pregnant best friend.. But what is this pregnant woman doing?"

"I'm leaving Bethany.. On the 12th.. Leaving forever.."

Bethany became stiff.. Tears start forming in her eyes.. Hazel looks at her just to find BETHANY JONES crying.. In these 10 years of knowing her she has rarely seen her crying.. Hazel hugs her..

"Aish.. Don't cry you don't look good.. I thought you would be fighting me be you are shedding tears? Don't.. I will always keep in contact with you.. And if you love your face you'll be visiting me every month.. And I hope you and Lucas start dating each other fast.."

"Shut up.. I'll miss you.. I love you so much Hazel.. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me.. You really are the best friend.. I will visit you every month not because I love my face because I will miss you.. I will miss my bestie.."

"Stop whining.. Let's start packing we have just 3 days"

"Mhm.. Let's go"


On 12th at the airport

"I'll miss you Hazel"

"I'll miss you too Beth"

They both pull out of the hug and Hazel waves at Lucas who was standing afar looking at them.

"Lucas is nice.. Date him idiot"

"Yeah whatever"

"It's almost time.. My cue to leave.. See you soon Beth.."

With that Hazel turns and leaves in order to start a new life....

It is not the end yet if you're wondering~

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