Episode 8

11 2 1

3 months later

Hazel is drying her hair with a blow dryer. She keeps the dryer on the table and looks at the reflection of her small baby bump in the mirror. She caresses it and says "Hey baby.. It's mommy.. Hope you are okay in there.. I am so excited to meet you you know?"

She hears a knock on the door.. "Come in"

The door opens revealing Morris..


Morris walks towards Hazel and hugs her.

"How have you been sweety? I'm sorry I couldn't visit you the last 2 weeks"

"I am fine mom.. When did you come tho? No it's okay.. I know you were sick.. Your health is important too"

"Just a few mins back.. One of the maids let me in"


"So what were you doing? Nothing I was just showering and after drying my hair I was talking to my baby.."

"Hmm what did baby say? When do they decide to show up?"

"HMM..Baby didn't say anything" Hazel said chuckling

"Okay so let's go get some ice cream?"

"Sure thing mom lemme change into something good"

After sometime Hazel walks out wearing a yellow floral frock. And they two woman drive off to an ice cream plarlour.

At the parlour

Morris: "We would like a double scoop cone with chocolate and butterscotch and Hazel?"

Hazel: "And I want a waffle topped with matcha and coffee falovoured ice cream"

"Sure thing ma'am your order will be here within 10 minutes"

"Mom? Can I ask you something?"

"Sure sweety.. What is it?

"Why is Aiden so desperate for a boy?"

"Company.. He wants an heir to their company.. When I was pregnant with Aiden even I had to face this.."

"But a girl can become an heir too.. She can look after the company too"

"I know sweety.. But men are men they don't wanna change what they think"

Hazel nods and looks at a side.. She spots a familiar figure.. After a few mins of staring she recognized the person.. It was none other than Bethany Jones and he was with somebody. Hazel couldn't see the person as Bethany's body was blocking the view.

"Mom can you give me a minute.. I see someone I know VERY well."


Before Morris could complete Hazel stormed off. Hazel took a few steps forward and saw the other person.. It was Lucas.. She met him once at Beth's house when they were hanging out together.. Hazel was sure Beth kinda liked him.. But she always said they were just good friends

Hazel walks onto the table and slams her hand onto it.

"Well according to a text sent by Bethany Jones at 7:42 am she should be taking extra classes from 11 to 12 30. And now its is 12 :03 pm. Would you mind explaining ma'am?"

"See Hazel my classes got can-cancelled yeah and I thought you might be busy so I asked Lucas i-if he was f-free for some ice cream."

Lucas: "Huh? We had plans of hanging out today like a week ago"

Beth wants to kill Lucas right at that moment but she stammers and manages to answer Hazel.

"Oh? Y-Yeah Right.. I-I forgot I g-guess"


Before Hazel finished she got cut off by Morris who was calling for her.

"Hazel our order is here.. Come here.."

Hazel shoots death glared to both Beth and Lucas and walks to her mother-in-law.

Whereas Beth mentally thanks Morris and wished for her long life cuz if not for her she would have been dead by now.

"And you Mr. Lucas.. You were supposed to play along.."

"You lied to your bestfriend to meet me?"

"Yeah and don't flatter yourself because of it.. It was the first and last time.. I didn't want to hurt you that's why I came with you.."


"Who was it sweety?"

"A betrayer"

Morris laughs at Hazel's childishness

After ice cream they go back home and Morris leaves for her house.

In the evening Hazel decided to call Beth cuz duh she got explaining to do.

"Hey?" Beth receives the call with fear visible in her voice

"Ms. Jones do I need to tell you what you should do?"

"No.. I am explaining.. I am sorry.. I didn't wanna lie to you.. Lucas wanted to go out for ice cream someday and I was free today afternoon.. But when you called and asked if we could hang out in the noon.. I didn't wanna tell you I will be ditching you whom I have known for almost 10 years now for a guy I just met a few months back.. And I didn't wanna hurt Lucas too.."

"Hmm.. You owe me a chocolate bar tho.."

"Hmm Hmm.. I will buy a ton of them okay? But don't be mad at me please?"

"Aish how can I be angry at you.. I was just messing around.. I understand you ditching me for your soon to be boyfie"

"Here we go again.. I am not dating him in a million years.. Bish I got Shawn okay? And I am loyal to him"

"We'll see about that later... Kay.. Aiden's gonna be back any moment.. Ttyl?"

"Sure thing babe"

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