First teamate power

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Hello everyone, this my first teamate informations and power ! So sorry I did not found who drew this image but this is a masterpiece ! Anyways, into the infos !

theme color : black and dark purple ( yes I changed it because I asked her today her favorite color is black )

Power : flowers

magical accesory : her necklace can make appear a jewel hat rose shaped since its her favorite flower and its black but shine dark purple and the necklace only make appear the jewel when she want it to do

Flowers would be a perfect power for my friend because it represent : beauty, youth, elegance and other good stuff.

My friend is beautiful ( everyone that know her think so), calm, elegant,young but older of the group,mature ( except when we play but its normal) And she LOVE LOVE LOVE blackpink! She also love dancing and music !

magical weapon : rifles that shoot flowers

1 ( normal spell ) : shoot normal flowers that are purple and black

2 : a ribbon that will appears from her right hand will make alot of rifles behind her and when she say whatever sentence that fits her or that fits her power  she point something and the rifles shoot in that direction.

3 : she say a sentence that fits that spell and there will be realistic flowers ( because the flowers that she shoots look like the flowers that we draw so like the kids ones ) so the flowers grow and there thousands of flowers that grow in the ground around the nightmare and there so much that the nightmare will be wraped inside it and suffocate and may be destroyed. ( high chances) 

4 : And finally- I got that idea from mami transformation before she died so like she will dance like mami did before in her 1st transformation ( I will show that ) and there will be lily that will grow like mami second transformation so then my friend will shoot a lily and it will touch the  nightmare and it will have a veryyy high chance of getting destroyed and disapear since lily are death flowers

and finally, her stronger spell. ( also she can create spells and have more than that ) so I don't have a idea every strongest spell are a secret.

Her transformation will be the first one in the video !

Also ignore the second transformation please.

For the second transformation in the video, ignore everything except the time she jumped with a lily ( there was a daisy inside ) for the 4th spell she will dance like she did before her 1st transformation and then jump with the lily that will turn into a white rifle. ( her normal rifles are grey except that there will be purple parts. )

And lastly before the very end here is her theme music ( basic transformation music and her theme music )

so, mami theme song is very symbolic. mami never stop believing, she is beautiful, calm, she is just like a dream. so it fits my friend.

so, that all for my first teamate ! I focused on her theme more than the other ones !

her aesthetic is probably like that  ( also Her backpack fits very well her aesthetic its blackpink with pink and blue ribbons on it ) : 

her aesthetic is probably like that  ( also Her backpack fits very well her aesthetic its blackpink with pink and blue ribbons on it ) : 

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its just that her aesthetic is black and dark purple

so that all ofr now, bye !

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