Remaining teamates special transformations

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Hello ! As you know I added "special transformations", when we have a strong emotion that we can't control we will Transform this way, and so I didn't showed the rest of my friends transformations so here you go :

1- Alex /Second teamate

She transform like that when she feel :

Before she was insecure about being a magical girl, and when the days pass, she actually understand that being a magical girl is harder than what she though, but then she glad she became a magical girl because she could create hope, and she became a mature magical girl that know how Someone feel and fix her mistakes.

Her quote : "Togheter, we can make miracles !"

2 - Joy/fourth teamate

She transform like that when she feel :
She held her own hand to herself to prove that she is the only one she can rely on, even if its hard then she would still do it and try to change fate, she would still chase her dream in a round circle. She will transform like this when she will know that its impossible for her to stop running into the unknow.

Her quote : "I shouldn't go on my own"

3 - Chachi/third teamate

She transform like that when she feel :
For her life is like a video game, its like leveling up and winning points to become strong, because she doens't want to be a part of the weak. And then her adult self, that grew like a confident queen between all those strangers, meet her small self making a wish and becoming a magical girl, this Memory burn her because the only way possible to become the strongest is to become a magical girl and show the world its mistakes. She will transform like this to show the world that she is the strongest.

Her quote : "No one will ever know that magical girls save humanity"

4 - Jennie / first teamate

She transform like that when she feel :
In all circumstances, she would Alway dress Amazing. Before she wouldn't care about fashion at all and would alway dress in black but then she became a pre-teen and was wrapped into the fashion ribbons to care more about her style and her clothes and becoming a idol, her dream. She will transform like this when she will know that everything is possible.

Her quote : "I'm not scared anymore, I'm not Alone anymore !"

5 - Me/Cupcake

I transform like that when I feel :

Even if the world seem cruel, there are beautiful things we should fight for, and space itself is one of those things, even if we can never stop despair, we can never stop hope too ! Magical girls are supposed to make miracles come true, and this is why I'll become one, I will alway be glad I became one, because I don't have any reasons to despair ! I became a magical girl for the sake of every other magical girls ! We must end suffering. I will transform like this when I will understand the true meaning of being a magical girl.

My quote : "I don't have any reasons to despair !"

That all for today chapter, I hope you enjoyed this chapter ! Goodbye !

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