Weird mythical dream 😰

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Hello Guys, today I did a weird dream ( or nightmare ) So I will explain everything in this chapter, but first, I have to explain my first dream !

I- First dream

In my first dream I was in my school, And basically the whole class was walking to the class with my french teacher, she said that if we didn't finish our homework something bad will happen, I was really scared because I didn't do it. Its because I never knew We got homeworks since it was a dream and in real life we don't have any homeworks to do. So I was really confused but at the end we didn't even went to class and idk why. The thing is that everywhere, I could see a dark figure with red eyes spying on me.

And I'll be searching what it means

I finally found on answear on the Internet ! Found it on Quora btw !

This could very well be the recurring figure that psychologist Carl Jung calls the Shadow. That's the embodiment of whatever parts of ourselves we don't like or don't want to admit exist. There are certainly other possibilities, too — but overall, it could be speaking about some underlying fear of yours, something that troubles you, perhaps even wants to be seen & acknowledged as being part of you. But only you can try & figure out what that is specifically. I can make suggestions, as can anyone, but we're not qualified to interpret your dream. Ultimately, only you can do that.

What associations do you have with that black shadow? How does it make you feel? Do you fear it, or are you curious about it? These are some of the questions you should ask yourself about your dream. What matters isn't what other people think it might mean, what matters is what YOU think it means.

So yeah its basically what I found !

The other thing is that I remember seeing for a long time in my dream a girl in my class doing something but I forgot what. A few times I saw Jennie too.

I searched the meanings too 👀.

1 : It's all about you. Of course, different dream meanings apply depending on the friend. But in the majority of cases seeing a friend in a dream symbolizes some aspect of their personality that you may have avoided or rejected until now, but are ready to think about incorporating into your own life.

2 : When you dream about someone, it is usually a reflection of how you feel about them in your waking life. Your dream may be telling you to pay attention to that person in your waking life. Your subconscious may be trying to connect the dots on something and needs your conscious mind to help them figure it out.

3 : To see a teacher could mean that you are seeking advice, guidance or knowledge from someone. You want to learn from experience or by example because you want to take a new path in life.

So there are the meanings I got. Now, into the second dream ! ( Its the weirdest ).

II - second dream

So basically, me and my family just moved in that super cool house. Me and my brother were watching youtube until we saw a video called "have magical powers instantly !" ( It was a subminal lol 😂). Me and my brother listened. I was thinking about becoming a magical girl and my borther said that he wanted magical powers ! When we finished the video nothing happened to me but we shortly noticed that my brother got a superpower- his superpower is to turn into any animal / insect he want. And it was cool at first but became very problematic next. First of all the weird black figure with red eyes was staring at me in corners during the whole dream, second of all, the creepiest thing is that there were 2 people ( I think a man and a woman ) staring at us too in a rooftop. So then later in the day I saw my brother turning into insects for no reason in front of the house in the street, and then I asked him to come see me and he came and then I asked him if anyone saw him and then he said "oops" ( btw when my brother saw oops that mean yes ). So I was really scared because during the whole dream I instantly though that there were mythicals Hunters and my brother was a mythical- So I though that the 2 people on that rooftop were mythical hunters and then they started doing something weird and when my parents came back they saw a destroyed building, My dad then said " Aparently there people that died here...We're Lucky that wasn't our house..." And I was feeling very sad because the building was behind our house... And I already knew who did this. I knew the ones that blewed  the building were the 2 peoples constantly spying me and my family.I think some hours later we went to buy ice creams and there was me, my brother, my dad and Jennie ! When we finished buying the icecream my dad said that he'll come later so my brother went somewhere and me and Jennie walked home togheter. ( for some weird reason she is almost alway in my dreams, even got a dream where we were going a pair transformation ! ) And then a weird guy in a costume gave us a transparent ball, he asked us if we could inflate the ball, I said yes. Him and a woman were waiting but I askd Jennie to follow me to my house. And then I said :

"Its a trap ! I know who they are, they are the people that blewed up the building ! They want the ball because its not a ball, its a bomb !!! During the beginning they wanted to kill my brother and my family !!!" ( because during the whole dream that weird guy tried to kill us just because my brother have powers- maybe its because he doens't like magic ? )

So then we did the thing with the ball, my plan was to let them blow my house but before asking my family if we could go  somewhere so we don't die, because I knew I had no chance against him and the only way to surviv was to move up again 😭 in another city...

And before anything else could happen I woke up.

So I know my dream are weird 💀 Dreaming about mythicals hunters is weird-

And btw I'll make a chapter about ARC 2 !!! ( I FINALLY FINOSHED SCRIPTING ARC 1 )

So I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter !! Have a nice day / night !

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