A weird and long magical girl dream.

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Hello guys, before starting, I just wanna mention that I won't describe everything or it will be confusing, and my dream contain deaths.

So, it all started when I was in class, my teacher wanted us to study on a magical girl anime called 6HP ( its a real anime ) but unstead of watching the actual episodes we watched reviews unstead. THEN, time restart as when we are in the corridor waiting for the teacher to open the classroom door. A friend of mine was with me ? ( we barely talk ) and she had a weird bag with my money that I gave her cause I was scared to lose the money. She told me she wanted to count how many money I had and I told her not to do that or the boys ( they were far behind doing their usual savage stuff ) would try and steal them. She didn't listen and accidentally threw them off. She went to pick my money and meanwhile I entered the classroom because my teacher came. I said something cause I was kinda annoyed and the boys mimicked me ( not sure of the grammar srry ) me to make fun of me. I told the teacher but she didn't listen and I wanted to tell her that I've watched the 7 episodes of 6HP ( Its not over yet they're stuck in production hell since 6 years ago ) but she didn't listen. Then, I went to sit in my chair like usual and I stared on my desk until the teacher started talking about mgs. Then I got a flashback and there was the weird giant robot woman from 6HP episode 1 destroying the place like usual in the anime ( except we were in the madoka magica desert that we see in rebellion before Homura become a demon and stuff ) AND I got a vision of Nemu and Touka, Touka was heavily crying and Nemu took a knife and k*lled herself. They were in a black void. Then it got back to normal and Mario was there ? Attacking the robot and there was a cartoonish guy ( my dream was cartoon mixed with anime mixed with rl all in the same world. ) The cartoon guy told to Mario it was dangerous and Mario flew (💀) away. Then the robot k*lled the guy with a missile and attacked the people attacking her in their weird planes.

Then it went from 1st persona and I was 7. I was in my new house but a bit different and everything in place ( So I guess I lived there my whole life kinda ) And my family did their stuff and I was scared of the giant robot BECAUSE WE LIVED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE WEIRD DESERT 💀 I'M SO DONE. And then I looked by the window and saw the giant lady walking toward the house and then I got attack on titans vibes 💀😭. So then I ran away but the house was big enough for her and then I ran toward stairs and I looked by the windows and the robot lady turned into my mom but still giant. She stared at me with her giant eyes just in front of the window and tried to grab me so I ran upstairs cause I knew she would never find me where I was gonna hide, leaving my family behind. ( I'm so selfish- ) And then, upstaires it was like the backroom but with house furnitures and I started running endlessly opening doors and other doors and It just didn't have a end.

Then I found a mini sofa and behind there was a hole. I wanted to jump but I was scared so I ran. I found my mom on another small sofa reading the newspapers 💀 ( mom its the apocalypse- 👺 ) And I ran from her cause she stared at me creepily. Then I ran endlessly AGAIN and turned back because I regretted not jumping in the hole and I wanted to go back but each time I opened a door behind me it was another area ( basically the upstairs was weird each doors and places change locations. ) So then I got tired and opened a computer old looking app IN FRONT OF ME and clicked a button to teleport next to the sofa. ( we're in a videogame ? ) and I jumped inside the hole and landed on a pink bed in a cute bedroom ( it was like my second bedroom but it was a secret ) APPARENTLY, I hided there all the ways until I was 13. ( 6 years without food or water and my phone not dying out- Me and my phone are immortal fr- 💀 )

And then, it got back as when I was in class. Now the next question is, WHY are my parents still alive ? Either I got hallucinations because I pretended they were with me during the time OR they turned out being alive. THEN there was another flashback and idk which year it was but I was in the 3rd person this time. There was me, but I shapeshifted into Touka ( magia record ) and there was Nemu, she said she had a solution to save me ( from the robot girl ) and then she k*lled herself with a knife ( she stabbed herself in the heart ). Then I cried and turned back into myself and I 🌌woke up🌌 ( finally )

So in my dream I was a magical girl but I never transformed.

Bye guys that was all I hope you enjoyed this very weird chapter of mine. Literally one of my most fluids results. ( kinda- ) so bye-bye !

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