Jennie and Lulu

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( I will call my first friend lulu because its often the name she use in apps or websites. )

She watch over the world and sigh, she turn around to see the future coming her way, she close her eyes and think : "Why do we have to fight that much".

she walk in a dark tunnel, in this tunnel she see images of her friends and magical girls, at the end of the tunnel there is a big wall, she stand in front of the wall and see a big picture of the image of the end of magical girls, but the image fade away and bloody hand prints appears. The image get blurry because the end of magical girls don't exist, then she turn around and see a lot of kids happily running and screaming : "Magical girls, magical girls, who need them anyway ?"

She is very confused and then the kids stare at her and throw tomatoes at her.

She then notice that they are not real kids and are made of paper.

"what the point ?" she say.

the kids don't throw tomatoes at her anymore but at the image behind her now. the image reappear and show magical girls in a burning city. She close her eyes and open them. she is now in a very weird city where the sky is a rainbow, everyone is made out of paper except Lulu, one of her friends. They are both in front of Alex house.

"Welcome home." Say Lulu in a warming ton.

Jennie rush and hug her thigh.

"I had a horrible dream, where magical girls didn't existed anymore, out of existence, where hope faded away, a dream where chaos reigned, a dream where I lost you, a dream where stars never existed, a dream where magical girls suffered."

"Jennie, this isn't a dream."

"What do you means ?"

"Turn around."

Jennie turned around and saw the city burning.

She turned around again.

"Come on, everyone wait for us."

She go inside and everyone is happily talking.

Cupcake notice her and say :

"Welcome home !"

days passes and everyone is just being happy, but Jennie notice something, something was off. It wasn't like the outside world, it was like a dream coming true, a dream where they wouldn't have to fight anymore, a dream where they could live happily ever after. She knew that it was wrong.

A day, in a mountain full of colorful and beautiful flowers, Jennie was walking and saw a  and white and beautiful  bed, she run towards it ( also she was wearing a white dress and didn't have shoes like the rest of us. )she was in front of the bed and suddenly said :

"No, this isn't true ! This isn't real life ! I CAN'T ACCEPT THIS !"

The rainbow sky then broke into glass. Lulu ran towards her and said :

"What wrong, Jennie ?"

"This can't be true, this world is so perfect to be true !"

She took some glass and forced it in her hand. Then her hand started to bleed.

"Why are we here, just to suffer ?" She said.

"I understand your pain, but please, stop it"

Lulu said, looking worried.

"Stop suffering, we can stop this. I acknowledge your pain, I've passed through it, and I got the strenght to stop it, so please, open your eyes and face reality."

Jennie close and open her eyes once again, just to see a black world, she start crying and rose spins start growing around her with purples roses. She then  see Lulu, breaking her free from the roses spins. the roses petals start to fly and the roses die. she crouch and show her suffering to Jennie.

"We are all here for you, Jennie. You did so much, you at least need a reward for your hard work."

Around them, a bunch of magical girls images fly.

"Magical girls are the ones that fight to bring hope into this world, we are the ultimate bringers of hope  that fight for everyone sins."

They both fade away and reappear in the real world after their crazy dream, because the fight against nightmares never stop.

Their song during the dream : ( Also in that image Jennie is homura the black girl and Lulu is sayaka the blue girl )

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