Magical girls dreams

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Yay !!! My first magical girls dreams 💌

I totally forgot the first one but I got another one And it was a magical girl hairstyle themed.

It was very short, I was in my toilet doing nothing, I mean except brushing my hair, and when I was done I knew I had   a big bun andy hair was hot pink but the whole fromt hair was blonde, I  also had a heart shaped pin, then when I got out of the toilet my dream stopped.

I know it doens't look like a magical girl dream but for me it was and I even though of magical girls.

And in my first dream that I got one day before all I can remember is a fast image of some pastel themed precures, I think they were precures from the franchise but their colors changed to pastel and they were more cutesy like.

Soo hum goodbye ! I also feel like I'm going to have another dream thid night :).

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